onsdag den 11. maj 2016

Jordbærbed -- Strawberry Bed

     Nu hvor domen er næsten færdig, er det altså på høje tid at lægge kartofler. Men ... der hvor de skal lægges, gror der nogle jordbær. Dem fandt vi sidste efterår på en byggeplads, og Uglemor satte dem bare. Der må altså bygges et jordbærbed. Uglemor demonterede gamle paller, målte, savede, borede og skruede.
     Medens Uglemor arbejdede, skete der dette her:

Vender ryggen til,
finder bor og skruer frem.
Hvor blev planken af?

     Det var så afgjort ikke et haiku-øjeblik, da det skete. Og trods ihærdig søgen fra Uglemor og Ugleunger er planken pist væk. Uglemor savede en ny til og byggede videre. 

- o 0 o -

Now the dome is almost dome, it's time to plant potatoes - actually it's a it late to plant potatoes. But the bed where the potatoes are supposed to grow is filled with strawberry plants. We found them last autumn at a building site, brought them home and planted them to save them.
Now MotherOwl got to move them, but where? A strawberry bed for stray plants - we have more stray strawberries than said five plants. MotherOwl dismantled old pallets, measured, cut, drilled holes and put in screws.
While MotheOwl was working this happened:

Turn my back to it,
grasping drill and screw box.
Where did the plank go?    

This was decidedly NOT a haiku moment as it happened. Despite thorough searching by MotherOwl and the Owlets, the plank had vanished in thin air. MotherOwl cut another one and continued.

Første etage af jordbærpyramiden. Ugleungerne har hjulpet med at hente kopost og hestepærer til at fylde i rammerne.
First box of the strawberry pyramid. The Owlets helped dig compost and manure to fill the frame.

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    You have been very busy! I keep forgetting, unlike us, you are heading towards summer and the growing season. You have a lot of gardening and outdoor projects to do. I love your dome greenhouse. What a wonderful shape! And your strawberry bed... Pallets are very useful. They can be made into all kinds of useful things. I enjoyed my visit to your garden very much!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.