onsdag den 2. september 2015

Vejen hjem -- 31 -- On my Way Home

     Atter er det blevet onsdag, før Uglemor vender hjem igen... Mon det er ved at blive en vane?

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And once again MotherOwl is not on her way home on a Tuesday, but on a Wednesday ... this is turning into a habit.
  • Der er ikke de store ændringer at se 
  • No big changes to show off. 

     September har et melankolsk anstrøg, en stemning af fest før undergangen. Denne stemning fanger Frank Jæger præcis i sit digt "Septemberdårskab". Her kun en lille bid. 

... Som om det ganske år er indeholdt
i denne månded, hvor det blæser koldt
og dog er lunt bag gærdets grønne stene.
Forsinket står en blomst og blomstrer ene.
... Det er igen september, og igen
skal sikkerhed og viden vejres hen ...
          Frank Jæger 1959

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September is a melancholy month. The last show of  of Summer's strength and joy before the decline. This mood is excellently captured by the poet of my youth, Frank Jæger. He was dubbed a light poet in his youth, but when I knew him in the years before his untimely death, he was a dark and - not bitter - but wronged man whit a big, red beard, gone wild and white. He drank too much, but talked more. I loved to listen to him, and only found out that he was a famous poet after he died and our local paper wrote an obituary praising him. Yes I was young and naïve, and he was a personality. I have the wan hope, that my unrequited admiration and my ignorance of his fame, may have been as much a consolation to him in these dark years as his company and poems were for me ...

... As if the year in toto is contained
In this one month of bitter winds,
And yet with warmth behind the green stones of the fences.
Belatedly a solitary flower blooms.
... Again it is September, and again
Certainty and knowledge will be swept away ...

  • Blå, smuk septemberhimmel, stærke farver over hele linjen. 
  • Blue and beautiful September skies. Strong and vivid colours all around. 

Solopgang/solnedgang: 6:18/20:01, dagens længde 13:43, aftaget 3:50

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    I imagine your beautiful summer days are almost over. Thinking about what's ahead can make us feel melancholy and spoil the present moment. The field looks bare and sad after the months' of growth. I can't remember when you started posting this 'On My Way Home' series. Perhaps we'll soon be heading into a new cycle? I am enjoying seeing the same scene through all the seasons of the year. Perhaps you can repeat the series when it comes to an end, but next time choose a different location close to your home. I'd like it if you did that!

    "In this one month of bitter winds," Is it windy in September where you live? Our windiest season is spring. It's the second week of spring and so I expect the winds will soon be very strong. They'll blow up all the pollen. Despite the sunshine, spring is not my favourite season!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.