onsdag den 16. september 2015


   Det underlige ord er et japansk ord for en meget praktisk ting. Et klæde, der kan det hele. Normalt pakker man gaver og madpakker ind i et furoshiki. Til madpakkebrug kan det også dublere som dug og i nødstilfælde som serviet.
     Hvis man så på vej hjem ikke har plads til indkøbene, kan man tage sit furoshiki op, og folde det til en ekstra taske, pose eller endog flaske-bærepose.

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A strange word for a very down to earth thing. It's Japanese for a  square of cloth that can do a lot. You wrap your lunchbox in it, then use it as a placemat, then maybe you surreptitiously wipe your fingers, and on your way home it doubles as a tote bag for the excess shopping. If you're like me, you always remember that you're out of this and that when shopping for some milk and bananas. 

  • A. Let's pretend this is my lunchbox. B. Now with chopsticks. 
  • C. fold over the corners on the short sides of the box. Tie a single knot. 
  • D. then the corners on the long sides are folded in, and secured with a double knot. Done! 

     Hvis man nu ikke er med på den der med at binde knuder, så må man snyde og bruge en elastik.
     Et furoshiki er kvadratisk, det var mit stykke stof ikke, så jeg syede en elastik af resten. Så gør jeg sådan her:

If you're not the knot-tieing type, try an elastic band.
A furoshiki is a square, my piece of cloth was not. I made an elastic band to match from the rest. Now turning the furoshiki over: 

  • A. Fold over the two short corners. Fold over one long, and tuck under the box. 
  • B. Wrap over the second long corner, and secure with the elastic band. 

Det er supernemt selv at sy et. Find et ikke for tykt stykke stof, helst en hvor mønsteret ikke kun er trykt på den ene side. Klip et kvadratisk stykke på mellem 52 x 52 og 102 x 102 cm. Søm det og brug det.
     Den japanske miljøministerium har udgivet en PDF om hvordan man folder furoshiki. Den kan findes her:How to use *
En anden fantastisk side er her: Furoshiki  Når man har set lidt på de mange muligheder her, indser man at et lille furoshiki ikke er nok - langt fra.

I mellemtiden brød min symaskine sammen, og jeg måtte på eventyr, så fortsættelse følger. 

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It's super easy to make your own furoshiki, almost easier than spelling the word ;) Find a square piece of cloth, hem it on all four sides, iron and use. If you use fat quarters the rest is perfect for an elastic band.
The Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan have made a PDF   * with 14 uses for a furoshiki. You can find even more uses here: Furoshiki
Looking at these pages and possibilities, I realized that one small furosihki is far from enough. But then my sewing machine died ... to be continued.

* 404  - Link opdateret, men her er et billede alligevel
* 404 - well now I updated the link, but here's a copy anyway.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    What a wonderful idea! I never realised a square of cloth could be put to so many different uses. I need to make my own furoshiki. Perhaps I should carry one in my bag. You never know when a furoshiki might come in handy!

    1. I realized the same. Yesterday one was used for gathering mushrooms, while another daoubled as dishcloth and napkin - and later for wiping fingers after picking shaggy mane mushrooms. And they're easy to make - that is if your sewing manshine collaborates.


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