onsdag den 19. august 2015

Vejen hjem -- 29 -- On my Way Home

Nu er skolernes sommerferie slut - og traditionen tro kommer det gode vejr.

Now that the holidays have ended the fine weather has arrived. This is almost a tradition in Denmark. Some years ago the summer holiday was moved forward by one week in order to catch the fine weather, but to no avail. The holiday ends, and the Sun starts shining as always.

     Og på rapsmarken er der nu blevet pløjet. Ikke spor af raps nogen steder. Det var for øvrigt sært., normalt plejer rapsen at blive skåret og ligge på marken et stykke tid, for så at blive tærsket eller wrapped, men i år skete det hele på én dag.

The canola field has been ploughed. Not a trace of canola any more.
     Se de smukke skyer, rigtige lammeskyer. Det udtryk fattede Uglemor og Ugleungerne først i dybden den sidste onsdag i sommerferien, hvor de var ude og se på at nogle får blev klippet.

Look at those charming white clouds - Lamb clouds they're called in Danish. Thei name took on a new meaning as we watched sheep being shorn last Wednesday of the holiday.

Solopgang/solnedgang: 5:48/20:39, dagens længde 14:51, aftaget 2:42

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    The first thing I noticed was the empty canola field! It was such a glorious sight some weeks ago. I love the term 'lamb clouds'. I think those words have just entered my vocabulary. I shall be looking for lots of opportunities to use them! The end of the holidays can be a sad time. But I hope you'll all excited about the possible adventures you're going to have in the new school year!


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.