tirsdag den 2. juni 2015

Vejen hjem -- 22 -- On my Way Home

Solopgang/solnedgang: 4:34/21:44, dagens længde 17:10, tiltaget 10:20

  • Atter engang præsenterer Uglemor regnvejr over smukke marker. 
  • Once again MotherOwl presents rain over golden fields. 

  • Og så et blik ud over markerne.
  • Looking out over the fields.
     De gyldne rapsmarker er nu ved at blegne. Rapseventyret endte uden at Uglemor fik noget honning.
     En sang "Lirekassemandens datter" løber rundt i mit hoved. Dens melodi er genial, det lyder som en lirekasse, teksten er ikke fantastisk, men vækker alligevel til eftertanke. Svend Buemann har skrevet teksten, nedenunder er den frit efter min hukommelse, for jeg kan ikke finde teksten noget sted.
- o O o -
The fgoldenfields are fading, the canola honey adventure of 2015 is almost over.
A song is running around inside my head. Let's call it The Organ Grinder's Daughter. The melody is rather ingenious, it really sounds like a street organ. Then words are not so fantastic, and the again; they made me think. It is written by Svend Buemann, I can't find it anywhere but in my head. Anyway, let's have it.

Min lille far han står                          My little papa, he
og spiller i en gård,                            Plays music in the street,
og jeg er lirekassemandens datter.     And me, I am the organ grinder's daughter.
Jeg går og samler mønt,                     I'm gathering the coins
når spillet er begyndt,                        While he makes pretty sounds,
for jeg er ikke med til pynt.               'Cause I'm not here to fool around.

Hvis folk vil ha' en sang                    If people want some words,
til kassens sprukne klang,                 A song that they have heard
så synger lirekassemandens datter,   The organ grinder's daughter she starts singing;
om glans og herlighed,                     Of cabbages and kings,
om kys og kærlighed,                       Of all the pretty things,
til mønterne de rasler ned.               While gathering the coins it brings.

     Min far og mig, vi to gør lykke      Papa and I play tunes to please you
     med tomer, som enhver forstår.     A song of every thing that's sweet
     Min far og mig, vi to kan hygge    Papa and I play tunes to ease you
     og få lidt humør i en gård.             Bring laughter to this dreary street.

Når så vi vender hjem,                   When evening comes around,
og pungen kommer frem,               And darkness cloaks the town,
så tæller lirekassemandens datter.  The organ grinder's daughter she starts counting.
Hver skilling som vi fik                  Each coin we had today
for sang og for musik,                     For songs and organ play
og takker for en dag, der gik.        While thanking for the passing day.

Taknemmelighed   --   To be grateful
Det er det vi mangler   --   That's what we're missing today.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Even without a blue sky, these are beautiful photos. Those fields of yellow flowers appear to go on forever! How big are the farms in your village?

    1. The farms in my village are small. I think you see three different fields int the photo, just that they all are sowed with canola ths year.
      An average Danish farm is oaround 60 hektares, and those around here are mostly smaller except for the local "baron" who buys farms, keeps the fields, and sells off the houses with a small plot around it. But he still has to plow and sow all the fields as single units. As you can see from the photo we have trees and bushes around the fields to stop the wind, and this limits the size of each field.
      The pigs and cows are normally kept in stables, only eco-farmers letting them out for the summer time. We even have a day (always a Sunday unfortunately) where the ecological cows are let loose. It's fun to watch.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.