onsdag den 10. december 2014

Kaos - måske kreativt -- Maybe Creative, certainly Chaotic

Pia fra ColourCottage viser os sine grønne havehemmeligheder. Uglemor tænkte at hun måske kunne gøre det samme, men det var der ikke noget af. Squashplanten havde fået nattefrost og var totalt skvattet sammen. Men Uglemor fandt en ting, der var usædvanlig for december måned. Blomstrende lavendler:

Pia from ColourCottage has been showing off her green garden treasures. MotherOwl went searching for the same in her garten, but no such luck. The courgette plant had had a touch of frost and was a gelatinous mess. But MotherOwl found something not normally found in a December garden; blossoming lavenders.

     Hele sidste uge ha været kold og klam. Solen har skinnet smukt, men det har mest været til at nyde indefra, for det var koldt og blæsende at være ude i. Uglemor fandt sine mini-legoklodser frem og delte ud til Ugleungerne. Opgaven var Pentominoer. Hvor mange forskellige figurer kan der byges af fem firkanter. De skal ligge kant mod kant, lige på, og ikke være spejlinger eller lignende. Prøv selv inden du læser videre, hvis ikke du kender svaret. Det er ret sjovt.
Løsningen og mere kommer til sidst.

All of last week has been cold and humid with sunshiny days sure enough. Days with Sunshine to look at throuh´gh the windows, but disappointingly cold and windy outside.
MotherOwl found her mini-legos and played with the Owlets. The task was to make pentominoes: Build as many different shapes as you can using 5 bricks. No overlap, edge on only, mirror images or rotations does not count. Try it if you do not know the game.
More at the end of this post.
  • Jeg tror ikke dette billede ødelægger fornøjelsen for nogen. Det viser en af de mulige løsninger og to forkerte måder at sætte brikkerne på. 
  • I think nobody will get their fun spoiled by this photo. One of the possible solutions and two no-nos. 

Alle Ugleungerne kunne ikke bygge pentominoer på samme tid, så resten af os legede med perler. Vi lavede snefnug i forventning om en snarlig kommende vinter og til en tosset idé som Uglemor har fået.

It was not possible for all Owlets to build Pentominoes simultaneously. The rest of us made snowflakes form beads hoping for snow and in preparation of a crazy idea of MotherOwl's.

  • Alle dagens vellykkede snefnug
  • Today's snowflakes - the good ones.

  • Snefnug til Uglemors tossede idé
  • Those are for MotherOwl's crazy idea
   Hvor køber man reflekser? På apoteket, naturligvis! Lige så logisk som at man køber røget sild hos grønthandleren og pålægschokolade hos slagteren. Tossede danskere!

Where do you buy reflectors for winter traffic? - At the pharmacy, of course! Just as you buy smoked herrings at the green grocer's and chocolate spread at the Butcher's. Crazy Danes!

- - - - - -Pentominoes - - - - - -

Der er 12 pentominoer i alt. Og, ja Ugleungerne fandt dem alle, selv Piraten. Så sværere er det altså heller ikke.

Here are the 12 Pentominoes, no more to be had. All the Owlets, even Pirate, found all 12 shapes. It was not that hard.

Så byggede Uglemor alle pentominoerne i Modulex. Og så fortsatte opgaven. 12 figurer af 5 klodser er 60 klodser i alt. Kan de så pusles sanne til et kvadrat på 10 x 6?
Vi fandt ud af at knopperne gjorde det svært, og nogle af dem sskulle jo vendes om og så dumme ud med bunden opad. Uglemor kastede sig ud i fabrikationen af nogle mere medgørlige pentominoer.

MotherOwl built all the Pentominoes in Modulex. And the task continued. We have 12 shapes of 5 bricks. Can you puzzle them into a square og 10 by 6?
We found that the studs mate the task bothersome, also some of them had to be turned upside down and looked stupid. MotherOwl made some new Pentominoes.

Men selv med de nye pentominobrikker havde ingen af Ugleungerne tålmodighed til at finde en løsning. De havde lugtet lunten. Uglemor havde ellers glædet sig til som svar på spørgsmålet: Hvad er løsningen? At fortælle at der skam ikke kun er én, men hele 2.339 forskellige løsninger.
Der kan også pusles 5x12 firkanter (1.010 løsninger), 4×15 firkanter (368 løsninger) og endelig 3×20 der kun har 2 løsninger.

Even with the new pentomino pieces none of the Owlets could muster enough patience to solve the puzzle. They were smart, though. MotherOwl looked forward to hearing "Show us the solution." And tjhen telling the Owlets that there are 2.339 possible solutions, but hey had this idea quite quickly.Other squares can be filled with Pentominoes as well.The 5×12 square has 1010 solutions, the 4×15 one 368 solutions, and finally the 3×20 with just 2 solutions.

En løsning med de nye brikker

One solution, featuring the new pieces.

Med de nye brikker skulle det være muligt at pusle en terning også, men vi kunne ikke finde en eneste af de mange løsninger. Til sidst snød vi og fandt en på nettet.

With the new Pentominoes it was also possible to make cubes, not just squares. However none of us could wrap our minds around even one of the many possible solutions. In the end we cheated, and looked it up:
  • En af de 3.940 løsninger på en 4x3x5 terning. 
  • One of the 3940 possible solutions of the 3x4x5 cube

Kreativt kaos -- Creative chaos
  • Store og små perleplader, modulexbrikker og nye pentomioer i et skønt rod
  • Stick together beads large and small, Modulex blocks and new Pentominoes in a jumble 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    You have blooming lavender? I'd never have expected that. I noticed yesterday that the lavender flowers (at the shopping centre) that were blooming here three weeks ago, are now dry and withered. I am tempted to take my scissors along next time I'm shopping to snip off the flower heads. I could make some lavender pillows. Lavender flowers are very expensive if bought from a shop. I wonder if you grow enough lavender to use in your creative projects. Beautiful photo!

    1. Normally I have blooming lavenders in June through September. Differnt varieties blooming over time. And I would have enough for projects if I remebered harvesting them in time. Some years ago I harvested them all a very sunny day in Summer, made an infusion that smelled soo much we almost suffered from lavender poisoning. I then used the infusion to make a lavender soap, and guess what - the soap had almost no smell at all.
      You'll have to grow your own lavenders for pillows, Thy have to be cut just before the flowers unfold to smell, withered flowers have almost no smell. When they cut the lavenders at the shopping centre you could ask for some of the cuttings. If you put them in moist growing medium in a shady corner of the garden and keep them moist, most will start growing. I propagate lavenders that way. Originally provoked by somebody who told me it could not be done - just try and say that to me. I'm very stubborn.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.