torsdag den 25. september 2014

Nyt fad -- A new Platter

          I ugleboet bliver der spist ret meget chokolade. Vi får hver to stykker efter aftensmaden, det bliver til nogle plader efterhånden. En favorit er økomors pebermyntechokolade, og Uglemor har gemt alle indpakningspapirerne i lang tid. Endelig i går blev dette lille fad så til. Der blev et papir i overskud.

We in the Owlery eat a great amount of chocolate. Every day after dinner, except Friday, we choose two small pieces each. That makes for a lot of wrappers, which MotherOwl collects. Yesterday this platter was finished, made only from wrappers from our favourite mint chocolate. MotherOwl had one wrapper left when the platter was done.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    I left a couple of comments earlier but I think something must have gone wrong when I published them. That happens sometimes. Never mind. I will try again.

    I love your platter and I love chocolate. What will you use the platter for? I can imagine it piled high with chocolates! I might just have to introduce a daily (except for Friday!) chocolate ration for our family too. That is a wonderful idea.


    1. Piling it with chocolates on Sunday afternoom is what I had in mind :) And yes comments - my own too - sometimes disappeat. I suspect cyber-bugs. If at first you don't suceed ... Thanks.

  2. The platter looks just gorgeous! And I love the idea of reusing the wrappers too.

    1. Thank you. I made the decision only to make this from emtpy things that would have been thrown out. My familiy smiles at me when I stash old chocolate wrappers and potato chip bags, but they admire the results.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.