onsdag den 10. september 2014

Flere farvel -- More Goodbyes

Og så siger vi også farvel til Zeppelineren. Dewn er rustet op, så får vi se, hvordan dens efterfølger kommer til at se ud

It's time to say goodbye to the Zeppelin as well. It was just too rusty. Let's see what will happen next. 

Sidste billede af Zeppelineren. Den kunne ikke køre, og derfor måtte Uglemor finde sin elskede cykel frem igen.
Last pisture of the Zeppelin. It was out of order and MotherOwl was "forced" to find her beloved bike.

Der er stadig solskin, skønne blomster og frøer der skal kysses. 

 There's still sunshine, flowers, and frogs to be kissed.

  • Vi fndt denne her basse midt på vejen. Det blev ikke til nogle kys, for den var alt for slimet til at vi kunne holde fast på den. Men ind til siden, det kom den.
  • We found this plump frog in the middle of the road, it was far too slippery to hold still long enough for a kiss, but we managed to get it off the road again, that's no place for a frog! 
  • 2 kommentarer:

    1. Uglemor,

      Is the Zeppelin your van? If so, this is very sad. It wasn't easy saying good-bye to our old van last year. But we soon came to love our new car and appreciate having a newer vehicle. I hope you are able to find a replacement for the Zeppelin. Maybe it will all work out wonderfully in the end.

      1. The place where our zeppelin - yes van - is repaired, just had another zeppelin handed in a few days before our broke down. We will buy this new, grey one in a week or so. Meanwhile all transportation in the Owlery will happen by bike, bus or train.


    Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

    I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.