torsdag den 26. juni 2014

Sankt Hans -- Midsummer

     I sidste uge var det Uglemors fødselsdag - det her er en af gaverne. Uglemor fik også en solid rive, for den gamle var gået i stykker. Tænk at blive så glad for en bunke brædder ...

Last week MotherOwl celebrated her birthday. This is on of the gifts. She also had a new rake, as the old was worn out. Do you wonder why MotherOwl was happy to have a small stack of lumber ...

     Uglemor og Skribenten tog fat med skruetrækkere og topnøgler, og efter ikke ret lang tid var brædderne forvandlet til et havebord. Vi trængte i den grad til et nyt da det gamle var slidt op efter 19 års hårdhændet brug.

MotherOwl and the Writer worked with a screwdriver and other tools. This was the end product. The old one was worn out after 19 years of hard use. We ate cakes and drank coffee and hot chocolate at this table for the celebration.

     Og så fejrede vi sankt Hans. I år kunne bålet brænde (det har været så vådt at selv litervis af tændvæske ikke nyttede), jorden var ikke fugtig (et år sank alle stolene ned i jorden, så vi knapt kunne nå maden på bordene) og vinden lagde sig hen under aften. Kort sagt den mest perfekte sankt hans rent vejrmæssigt i mange år. Aftenkøligheden hører med, og forøger bare fornøjelsen ved bålet.
     Ugleungerne bagte snobrød og legede rundt om bålet, og vi blev enige om Shu-bi-duas melodi til Midsommervisen i år.

And then we celebrated Midsummer. The bonfire this year was not too wet to burn (as has happened) the ground was not turned into a swamp from excessive rain - (this has happened too -  we once had trouble eating the BBQ, as the chairs sank into the ground, making us all midgets compared to the normal size tables). The wind abated as the time came to light the bonfire, and the Sun set in glory behind the trees. We could not have wished for better weather, the cold is a part of the joys of the bonfire.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Happy birthday! I love your birthday gift and it sounds like you had a wonderful midsummer celebration. It must be midwinter for us. Onward to the warmer weather!

    1. Thank you. Our summer has so far been good. I love warm days, and do not long for shorter days and cooler weather, and I hope for many more coffee breaks at my birthday-table.I hope your winter is not too bad.


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