fredag den 4. april 2014

Fastelavn -- Carnival

     For nogen tid siden fortalte jeg om Piraten, der var klædt ud som kanin til fastelavn. Sue Elvis blogger i denne måned fra A-Z et blgstav om dagen om tøj. Det fik mig til at huske på at jeg jo aldrig fik fortalt, hvordan det egentlig gik til fastelavn.
      Så sndag efter messen klædte alle Ugleungerne sig ud og slog katten af tønden.

  - - - - -

Some time ago I told about the Pirate dressed up as a bunny for carnival. Sue Elvis' A-Z blogging of clothes made me realize, that I never ended the story of the carnival.
Sunday after mass all the Owlets dressed up, and had a go at the barrel.

Piraten klædt ud som kanin,
Spirillen klædt ud som Dupont eller Dupond.

The Pirate derees up as bunny
Marsupilami as Thompson or Thomson.

Minimax - Oliwer Twist

Trolden klædt ud som sig selv

Trolli dressed up as ... Trolli.

Og hvordan gik det så? 

And what happened next?

     En skuffet Spiril, der ikke slog tønden ned. Skribenten set til at alt går ordentligt for sig

Marsupilami did not smash the barrel. He was disappointed - as can be seen. The Writer is watching the queue and the children.

Næste mand klarede ærterne.
Dette er mit "årets foto"

The next in line did the job.
My "Press photo fo the year".

2 kommentarer:

  1. Oh my! I really enjoyed looking at your photos, Uglemor. Thank you so much for posting them. I love Marsupilami's bowler hat!

    Was the barrel filled with sweet treats? We have something similar. We made papier mache containers in the shape of something like an animal, and fill them with sweets. Then blindfolded children take turns to hit the pinata with a stick.I think that's a Mexican tradition.

    1. Yes our barrel is basically the same as the Mexican - I think too - piñata, excep that we do not blindfold the children. The barrel is solid and has to be hit several times before it breaks. I it filled with candy, and when it breaks, all the children come running and figth for the candy.


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