lørdag den 5. april 2014

En biavlers fornøjelser -- The joys of beekeeping

Her er det flotteste af vildbygget fra i går. Her kan man beundre biernes evne til at bygge geometriske former.

The most photogenic wild comb from yesterday. A unique chance for admiring the bees' skills.

Og så puttede den onde, onde Uglemor alt det smukke vildbyg ned i den sorte gryde.

And then the evil, evil MotherOwl put all the pretty wild combs in her black cauldron.

Og fik en gylden vokskage som belønning for sin møje. Men hov, nogen har vist taget en bid ...
And was rewarded with a golden wax cake. Bt oops, somebody took a bite.
Denne nogen er såmænd Uglemor, der trængte til lidt mere salve til sine mishandlede finger.

This somebody was MotherOwl herself. She needed bees wax for more salve for her fingers.

Bier, skynd jer at blive mange. Rapsen blomstrer snart.

Bees, hurry up and multiply. The rapeseed are blooming tomorrow or next day at the latest.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I admire the perfect design of the wild comb. And immediately think of a hexagon patchwork flower!

    1. Yes patterns are to be found everywhere in nature. I love looking for them, and inventing things from them. But I never do quite as god as the original Master.

  2. Uglemor,

    I love looking for patterns in nature! Those hexagonals are spectacular. Our living room would be hexagonal in shape if it had a sixth wall and didn't led straight into the dining area (which we have made into an office for Andy). I bet that description is confusing! You'll just have to come and visit me one day and see the room for yourself! I like the unusual shape. It gives character to the room.

    1. I will, no fear, come and visit you one day. I hope you live in a place wih an Austrlian name like "Ullabong" or some such sounds I love it. ANd yes un-square rooms are great. As we extended our house one of the new walls got a zigzaggy shape, making for a room with five angles, one of teh an outward one - does this make sense. If you ever come to Denmark, you're more tha welcome here.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.