torsdag den 10. januar 2013

Strikkeonsdag -- Yarn Along

Uglemor har ryddet op i de forgangne dage. Derfor kom det bag på mig da Small Thing's blogpost med Yarn Along poppede op på skærmen. Og lyset i går aftes var så rædsomt mørkt og tåget at jeg blev nødt til at vente til dagslyset i dag for at tage billeder af mine strikketøjer. Ja Uglemor er begyndt at have flere jern i ilden rent strikkemæssigt set. I tønden lå der nemlig også noget selvmønstrende garn, og det måtte bare genoptages. Det foregår imidlertid på pinde 2½, så det tager lang, lang tid ... suk.

Læsningen bliver mest til fagbøger, højtlæsning for Ugleungerne og svampebøger. Ja, for både Uglemor og Ugleungerne bliver ved med at finde underlige svampe i skoven, ved busstoppestedet, og undervejs hjem. Min yndlingssvampebog for øjeblikket er Edmund Garnweidners "Svampe".

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MotherOwl has been reorganizing homeschooling stuff - I supplement the Owlets' Public school education at home - and that's a biggish job. MotherOwl had not given a thought to knitting posts when Small Thing's Yarn Along popped up in the blogroll yesterday evening. The light was drab, foggy and grey and I wanted some nicer pictures of my newfound projects.
In my barrel stash I found some auto-patterning yarn. It is slow work on needles 2½, but I like that patterning effect, both colour and black and  white.

What I'm reading. Mostly school/study books, reading aloud for the Owlets, and books om mushrooms. I don't know why, but this year we're finding lots of mushrooms in gardens and on our way home from school. My favourite right now is "Svampe" (mushrooms) by Edmund Garnweidner.

  • Strikketøjer i gang lige nu. En vante og en strømpe i selvmønstrende garn, vanten skal nok trevles op og blive til en strømpe også ...  og så huen, den nok skal blive færdig inden vinteren er forbi.
  •  Works in progress rigth now. One mitten, one sock in auto patterning yarn. I think the mitten will be frogged and turned into a sock as well, and then my hat ... it will be done before winter is over.

Uglemor er også faldet over "Wreck this Journal". Den er desværre ikke blevet oversat til dansk endnu, men måske noget i den stil - eventuelt hjemmelavet - kunne give Uglemors slumrende kreativitet det tiltrængte spark bagi.

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Also I've been reading of "Wreck this Journal". It is not translated into Danish, but I'd like to do something like it. MotherOwl feels a need to be thinking outside the box, and this might be the prodding needed.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Lovely projects! I really like the self striping yarns you picked, especially the colorful one. Nothing better than adding some color in the dreary winter month. :-)

    1. Thanks for your kind words. Yes the self patterning yarn is nice and brigth. Also it makes you want to knit just a little more to see the next bit of pattern.

  2. What brand of yarn are you using for those projects? I'm looking for an alternative to the expensive stuff I'm currently buying.

    1. I used some old one for the mittens/hat, They've been sitting in my stash for years, I think I inherited them after my MIL who died in 1998, but I'm not sure. The self patterning one is an Italian brand Lane Cervinia, Tollegno, bougth in a local (Danish) supermarket 2 or 3 years ago. I'm afraid there's not much hope for you to find those in the USA, where I supopose you live.

  3. Uglemor,

    "Wreck this Journal" sounds interesting. I just followed the link. I have numerous empty journals I've been too afraid to fill. All that blank paper staring at me! If they were notebooks I'd soon fill them with words, but drawings and a mixed media journal? I didn't know where to start. But I've started drawing! And having loads of fun. I wonder if you could post some examples of your journal here on your blog. I'd love to see your work.

    God bless!

    1. Is sure makes you think in new ways. I also had loads of empty journals. I picked one (I found a list of instructions for the journal at: and I have decided to finish one page at a time, via random number generator find out which one is to be next ;) So far I only did the "Collect fruit stickers here" It's amazing to look at the fruits not for buying, but for taking the stickers. Is it stealing, I wonder?
      Drawing sounds nice as well. In the instructions I could need more draw/write ones, but I thnik it is OK to substitute one for: "Write a poem suiting the weather outside - and then hold the open pages up to collect the weather" Which I did in the rain day before yesterday :D

  4. Nice start on the socks and mitten those patterning yarns are very pretty.
    Enjoy the journal journey.

    1. Thanks a lot. I just had a look at your blog. It is very nice, cool pictures and I really like your subtitle, it could be mine!


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