mandag den 7. januar 2013

Helligtrekongersdag -- Epiphany

Epiphany or Twelfth Night:

On this day Christmas ends in the Owlery. The Christmas tree is once again filled with lit candles, a special candle is lit - or in our case 3 candles in a special candle holder. For the last time the Owlets and the Writer and MotherOwl is given small gifts. I Denmark an advent calendar with (biggish) gifts each day from December 1st onwards is the norm, not so in the Owlery. We have our advent window and advent readings. But on each of the 12 days of Christmas the Owlets get a small present, a little bigger on the Sunday of the holy Family and on Epiphany. After dinner the Christmas ornaments are removed from all over and the tree put outside. Only the Nativity scene, where the three wise men has finally joined the angels and shepherds after their long journey, is left standing until the Baptism of the Lord, when the liturgical Christmas season ends.

  • Helligtrekongerslyset og de små gaver. Ikke nogen hemmeligheder længere. Jelly beans til Skribenten, Minimax og Uglemor, 2  legominifigurer til Spirillen og Piraten og en malepensel og maling til Trolden. 
  • The candle symbolizing the three wise men, and the gifts, which are no longer a secret. Jelly beans for the Writer, Minimax, and MotherOwl, lego minifigures for Marsupilami and the Pirate, and a pinsel and paint for Trolli. 

  • Senere bliver lyset sat op til julekrybben, og vi drikker aftenkaffe og spiser julekager- i aften blev det så til en marcipangris :)
  • Later on the candle was moved to the Nativity, and we had coffee and Christmas candy. 

Herrens åbenbarelse - Hellig tre Konger

Denne dag ender julen i Ugleboet. Juletræet bliver tændt og et helligtrekongerslys tændt - eller rettere tre lys i en helligtrekongersstage. Alle Ugleungerne - og måske også Uglemor og Skribenten får den sidste af de små gaver, de har fået hver dag siden juleaften. I Ugleboet er adventstiden jo en fastetid, så derfor er kalendergaverne flyttet fra adventstiden til juletiden. Efter aftensmaden bliver al julepynten pillet ned og juletræet båret udenfor. Det eneste der bliver stående, er julekrybben, der bliver stående til næste søndag, Herrens dåb, der er den liturgiske afslutning på juletiden.

1 kommentar:

  1. Uglemor,

    I have really enjoyed hearing about your Christmas customs. Thank you for sharing!

    We will leave our tree and decorations until next weekend. We usually put everything away on the evening of the baptism of our Lord. I like how everyone has their own way of doing things. Individual traditions bind families together.

    God bless!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.