torsdag den 24. oktober 2024

Til River 😉 For River

Dagens stikord til 365 Days of Drawing Prompts var Rivers, og til InkTober var det Expedition ... det læste jeg naturligvis som Rivers Expedition, og lod Habakuk være parat til at tage afsted sammen med hende med sin gamle rygsæk :)

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Today the prompt for 365 Days of Drawing Prompts was Rivers and for InkTober it was Expedition. Could I do anything else than read this as River's expedition, and let Habakuk be ready to go wherever River would lead, bringing his old backpack?

10 kommentarer:

  1. Efterat jeg slog det her op, fik jeg en notofikation, der sagde: "Udgivelsen af dette opslag blev fjernet, fordi det overtræder Bloggers retningslinjer for fællesskabet. Opdater indholdet, så det overholder retningslinjerne, før du kan udgive opslagget igen" Det er dog ikke blevet fjernet, og der er hverkne børnemisbrug, vildledende eller på anden måde urigtige oplysninger i dette opslag - gad vide, hvad der sker nu?

  2. After I posted this, I got a notification that said:
    "The publication of this post was removed because it violates the Blogger Community Guidelines. Please update the content to comply with the guidelines before you can republish the post"
    However, it has not been removed, and there is no child abuse, misleading or otherwise inaccurate information in this post - I wonder what happens next.

  3. How weird? I hope it goes no further. Another blogging friend of mine had his whole blog removed because he breached those same guidelines. And he doesn't know which ones he breached.
    And I love River's expedition.

    1. I hurriedly made a back up of all contents of this blog, so I am able to go live again if it should be removed. I hope River agrees ;)

    2. It was not this one at all, but an old post from the fall of 2014 - a totally innocent one about all the mushrooms I pick, draw, knit and so on. I wonder why it suddenly, after 10 years, was marked as against the guidelines? I checked the links, they still go to the original pages, telling of knitted, crocheted and felted mushrooms. I corrected a few errors, changed the title, and put it up for revision - let's see what happens.

    3. ... and it's back up. Blogger sure can work fast!

  4. I like it very much! As for why it would be removed, I cannot imagine.

    1. Thank you - and why this comment was marked as spam, I do not understand. Blogger is at it again. I'm sorry it took me so long to find your comment and free it.

  5. I love the drawing! I wonder if the mushrooms was the problem in the other post? Picking mushroms can be a dangerous thing for some who don't know which to pick and then there are the "magic" mushrooms. "Hallucinogenic"

    1. Maybe, but I show only nice, edible ones and knitted, folded, drawn ... ones, so no "bad" contents there. I suspected the links,m as theywere old, but they were still fine. And as it is back up now, a human bing looked, and thought.
      I'm happy that you approve of my appropriation of your name for expeditional purposes ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.