fredag den 9. september 2022

Hændelser i haven

Happenings in my Garden

Hør -- Flax

Min kvadratmeter hør den 3. juli  --  My square meter flax July 3rd

Min kvadratmeter hør den 29. august  --  My square meter flax August 29

Nærbillede af blomster og frøstrande samme dag  --  Close-up with flowers and seed pods same day

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     Endelig har jeg taget mig sammen til at høste - ruske som fagudtrykket er - min hør. I onsdags, da solen skinnede, blev den rusket og bundtet i mindre pæne bundter, der her står til tørre på vores havebænk. På grund af regnen er de nu kommet indendørs.
     Bundtet til højre, blev høstet sidste fredag og har ligget til tørre i skyggen på et gammelt havebord.
     Skiltet dukkede også pludselig op for et par uger siden - jeg tror det måske har været en tur inde hos naboen, for væk var det, da jeg ledte efter det.

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  Finally I pulled my flax; this happened Wednesday in the sunshine. Here the bundles are displayed at our garden bench together with the now no longer missing sign; it suddenly re-appeared some time ago. I suspect it of having been visiting with the neighbours.
   The bundle to the right was harvested earlier, last Friday and has been drying on an old table in the shadows. Now all the flax is indoor because of the rain.


For to år siden fortalte jeg at vores minikiwi havde afsløret sig som en han. I dag, da jeg var ude at hente æg, fandt jeg en overraskelse i græsset under minikiwien.

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Two years ago I told about out mini-kiwi, I told that it was a male plant, and how I bought him a m´new wife. Today, as I was in the garden to get the eggs, I found a surprise on  the lawn.

Da jeg så kiggede op så jeg ... mange frugter  --  Looking up I saw ... lots of fruits.

En efterforskning på nettet gav som resultat at denne minikiwi hverken er mini eller en han. Det er en helt almindelig kiwi, Actinida deliciosa , af sorten 'Jenny', der er berømt for at være den eneste kiwi med både han- og hunblomster, for at være ualmindelig hårdfør, for sin smukke røde behåring og gode smag.
     Jeg købte denne plante i 2007, som en af tre minikiwier, men der må åbenbart være sket en fejl. Jeg klager ikke, men håber nu på en sen frost, så frugterne kan nå at modne.

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Some research in the interwebs told me that the mini-kiwi was neither mini, nor male. It is an ordinary kiwi Actinida deliciosa of the sort Jenny, known for being the only sort with male and female flowers and for its hardy properties, its beautiful red 'fur' and tasty fruits. 
I bought this one as a mini-kiwi 15 years ago, but obviously a mistake has happened. I won't complain. But now I hope for a very late first frost, so that my kiwis will ripen.

Smuk, rød behåring -- Beautiful red 'fur'.

7 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you so much for this peek into your garden - which I would LOVE to visit for myself.

    1. Thank you. Gardens are always an exciting topic, I'd like to visit yours ;)

  2. You are growing kiwi fruit! I am so surprised, but happy too. What will you do with the flax?

    1. I am surprised too, not least because I thought kiwis grew on trees, and were totally not able to survive in Denmark. I have gotten much wiser in the last 24 hours.
      The flax: I am part of a Nordic project, called one square meter flax. We're supposed to learn how to process flax and end up with a piece of fabric after retting, breaking, hackling, spinning and weaving. I am very uncertain of how to proceed after the retting ;) But I hope to muddle through and find help in the WWW.

  3. Good luck. Flax is where linen fabric is made from.

    1. TRhank you, yes linen comes from flax - quite a big amount of work involved here.

  4. Your garden always teaches me something. Good luck with the kiwis!


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.