tirsdag den 5. juli 2022

Skyderi i København -- We had a Shooting

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Søndag  aften skød en mand ti andre mennesker i et indkøbscenter.i København.

Det gør mig ondt for ofrene og deres familier og for alle, der blev berørt af skyderiet.

Men det gør mig også ondt for alle os almindelige danskere og turister, der nu skal leve med virkningerne, for lur mig om ikke der sker noget.
① Det første, der nu sker, er 'Blame-game'. Hvem burde have gjort noget, set noget, vidst noget - klatten kommer til at køre fra politiet til psykiatrien til skolesystemet og tilbage igen.

② Og så kommer vi til våbnene - hvor kom de fra, hvordan kunne han få fat i dem ...
     Her skal i parentes bemærkes at han IKKE havde et automatvåben - og se lige på tallene: ti personer ramt af skud på ti minutter ... og så forestil dig ti minutter med et halvautomatisk våben.
     Han må have gået til skydning, for han kunne ramme, dødeligt.
     Og jeg mener, at vi faktisk gør nok i Danmark for at holde våben ude af almindeligt omløb. Man skal, som jeg skrev i den engelske tekst, have tilladelse, gyldigt jaggtegn osv. for at have et våben ... ja faktisk kræves dette bare for at gå ind i den afdeling af jagtbutikkerne der sælger ammunition.

③ Så kommer snakken om hvad vi skal have af tiltag for at hindre at det sker igen. Og så rammer konsekvenserne os alle sammen: Mere overvågning, flere vagter, mere kontrol, mindre frihed.
     Jeg håber det ikke ender sådan, men jeg frygter det.

PS: (Tirsdag morgen) Ofrene var jo et helt almindeligt udsnit af, hvad man ville møde i Field's en søndag eftermiddag.. Unge og ældre, mænd og kvinder, danskere og svenskere og en enkelt indvandrer (russeren vil nok ikke stikke ud som indvandrer). Så terror, fremmedfjendske, eller misogyne motiver  ... hmm det tror jeg ikke. Med mindre, der er et motiv, jeg ikke lige kan få øje på, er det nok sådan en episode, der ikke kan forebygges på andet end personligt plan. Altså, flere penge til psykiatrien.

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Sunday evening a man shot ten people in a shopping mall in Copenhagen.

Of course I feel sorry for the victims and their families and for all that was touched by this.
But I also feel sorry for us ordinary Danes, and tourists who are going to live with the consequentness of this.

Fact box: ten hit by shots in Field's (the name of the shopping mall)

In all ten persons were hit by shots on July 3rd.

  • Three were killed: One 17 year old Danish boy, one 17 year  old Danish girl, one 46 year old Russian living in Denmark.
  • Four seriously wounded: Two Danish women, 19 and 40 years of age, one Swedish man aged 50, and one 16 years old Swedish girl.
  • Three lightly wounded by shots: a 15 years old Danish girl, a 17 years old Danish girl and a 45 years old Afghan man living in Denmark.

(Source: The police of Copenhagen)

Now my prophesy, and why I feel sorry for us all.

① First to happen is the Blame Game: Who should have done something, seen something, known something - the blame will circulate from the police to the psychiatry to the school system and back again.

② And then we get to the weapons - where did they come from, how did he get them, why did nobody stop him from having them, and so on. Possession of weapon is uncommon, you ned learn how t shoot, have a paper from the police, renewed regularly,and keep the weapon under lock in your home.
  Note that he did NOT have any automatic or semi-automatic weapon; just a rifle - look at the numbers: ten people hit in ten minutes ... now imagine ten minutes with a semi-automatic weapon ...
  He must have had lots of shooting practise (not a common thing in Denmark), because he could hit, fatally.

③ Then we'll talk about what we need to do to prevent it from happening again. And those  consequences will hit us all: More surveillance, more guards, more control, less freedom.

I hope it doesn't end like this, but I fear it will.

PS (added Tuesday morning): The victims are a fair sample of what you'll meet a Sunday afternoon in Field's. Sweden is 20 minutes by train, Russians and people from Afghanistan are not an uncommon sight in Denmark either.  In short, no terror, no racism, no misogynistic motives here. I think - unless I missed something obvious - that the solution is personal. And I would ask for more money for the psychiatric wards.

14 kommentarer:

  1. 'I saw that and my heart ached.

    1. It IS sad, mostly of course for the victims and their families and those in the mall too - and then for all the many many people, who had their concert cancelled.
      But with this said, I see so many, and worse things happening all over the world. July 4th saw the 308th mass shoting in America alone. So one crazy guy in Denmark is of course sad, even very sad, but not that spectacular.

  2. It says something that I was shocked to hear of this happening in your country, whereas I am less shocked by the U.S. shootings. I should be shocked each and every time. And yes, if the folks who have the responsibility and authority to determine the cause of this event do their job properly, the solution should address the underlying cause. Those folks try, and I believe that mostly their hearts are in the right place, but too often a lack of expertise, lack of money, and political expediency lead to hasty, ineffective answers.

    1. We are not used to shootings here .. so yes it's shocking, as every killing should be.
      And yes we should address the cause behind the happenings, not limit the life of normal people either.

  3. I was so sorry to see this Charlotte. It's always tragic, always painful, always shocking and leaving the survivors with PTSD and the relatives with life long grief. Yes your progress of the aftermath is bang on I'd say.

    1. I feel most sorry for the relatives, actually.
      And my fear for the aftermath is actually greater than I express here, maybe this is the matter for a blogpost in itself?

  4. Ohmyword, that is horrible! And sadly, the ripples from that experience will continue to affect everyone for years! I'm grateful only that it is a comparatively isolated incident in your country. (and mine) I can't imagine what it must be like to live in a country where mass shootings are a twice-daily occurrence.

    1. It is horrible, and I am grateful to live in a peaceful country too. But the ripples, as you call them, will most probably incommodate more of us in the years to come.

  5. It's always sad and frightful. My heart aches because the effects are so far reaching for all of us.

    1. I hope the results here will be more ressources for the psychiatry.

  6. Where did my comment go? all over the internet today, my comments are missing.

    1. I don't know. It's not arrived here - and it is not in the spamfilter either. If I were you I would ask Blogger to look into my account, as your comments are also the only ones I never get any e-mail notification about.

  7. Oh no! This is heart-wrenching :(

  8. Are you ok? I have been missing your presence in the blogosphere.


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