fredag den 7. maj 2021

Words for Wednesday - May 5, Finally

This Wednesday - as all of May - the Words are over at MessyMimi's Meanderings's blog. We were given:


Remember to go back, read other peoples' stories there or follow their links back. And please place a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction.

I don't know why writing this small piece of Unicorn Farm took me so long. I suffered form some kind of word drought after the A-Z Challenge, I suspect, and hope that this have broken the dam.

The bike path was winding along, roughly parallel to the road. The twins were ahead with Susan and Heidi tagging along. They were watching a fox twitching its ears in the early morning fog when they heard the bell calling from the Unicorn Farm.
  "Oh, we're late!" Lis called. "At this pace we won't arrive until Gilvi has already spoken the magic formula, and then we get to wrangle all those languages all day. We're not guest at a funeral, but witches to be. Please hurry up!"
  They hurried on to the Unicorn Farm, washed their hands at the pump and trough, using Martine's mood soap that changed colour and smell to suit the needs of the user. It turned black, as Heidi used it, with a soothing smell of lily-of-the-valleys. "Oh granny soap," Heidi said. "It's a rare occurrence that I get a smell I really like."
  They arrived in the stable just in time to seen Gilvi put away his wand. "Hi you four. You're late again. But as you already know this carries its own punishment."
  Susan looked at Gilvi: "I hope to learn that language spell very soon. I am comfortable with Swedish and Norwegian. Icelandic is still quite hard for us, while Finnish is another cup of tea altogether."
  "You will learn it, Susan, as will all of you," he said smiling. "But not today, so you all got to fumble on as best you can."
   Susan, Heidi, Lis, and Tage did not look forward to a day where they had to try and understand the other apprentices in their own languages, and even worse, make them understand Danish. It was super tiring. And the first lesson for Susan was Crypto-zoology with Thora. A subject, she really loved, but she would not benefit greatly from Thora's wise words when spoken in Icelandic. Oh well, she thought, she just had to listen closely.

6 kommentarer:

  1. I am so glad that messymimi's prompts took you (and us) back to Unicorn Farm.
    As usual I loved this installment. It reminded me again how very useful Douglas Adam's Babel fish would be - in the magical world and in our own lives. With that wonderful species Susan and her friends would have had one less spell to master.
    A minor query. 'witches in spe'? You lost me there.

    1. Thank you for this encouragement. Actually I let Susan use the Babel fish idea in the chapter about the seed savers' conference ;)
      Witches in spe means "Witches to be" - at least in Danish - and I thought in English as well. As this seems not to be the case, I corrected it.

  2. Sometimes the hurrieder i go the behinder i get! It sounds like it was that way for them that day.

  3. I like the idea of the soap changing colour and smell to suit the user :)
    I'd like to learn languages, but simply don't have "the ear" for it. It would be very difficult for me. I think I would have to live in a foreign country about five years to get the hang of it.

    1. ... or you'd need that language spell, or a Babel fish ;)


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