torsdag den 11. februar 2021

TUSAL - February 2021

Today is the new Moon of February 2021. And the Chinese new year - the year of the Ox.

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     I dag er det nymĂ„ne. Det er kinesisk nytĂ„r, oksens Ă„r starter, og sĂ„ er det TUSAL-tid.
     Og hvad er sĂ„ TUSAL? Det er en forkortelse for Totally Useless Stitch A-Long - totalt nytteslĂžs sy-kreds.
     Man gemmer alle sine fraklippede garnender, trĂ„de og sĂ„ videre. Alt det, man normalt smider ud, og putter dem i en fin beholder. Hver gang det er nymĂ„ne, tager man et billede af beholderen og enderne, skriver en blogpost om dem, og linker til nedenstĂ„ende.


What is TUSAL: It is an acronym for Totally Useless Stitch-A-Long. See my explanation HERE or even better follow this link to to Daffycat's original post on WHAT IS TUSAL 

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   I den forgangne mĂ„ned er det ikke trĂ„de og garn, der har fyldt mest. De fleste ender stammer fra min  vinding  af plantefarvet garn i pĂŠne nĂžgler. Men her er i hvert fald februars stumper:


I have not been very diligent in yarny ways in the past lunar month.
Most of my ORTs come from my winding of plant dyed yarns into cakes.Here are my February ORTs.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Love those colours. Gentle, soft, beautiful.

  2. Your plant dyed yarns are lovely.

  3. I love the idea of TUSAL. It's nice to find beauty in things we would normally throw away. It's proof that art can be found everywhere, if we take the time to appreciate it. The colours here remind me of a spring woodland.

  4. What a fun tradition! I'm afraid my little box would be filled with paper and rejected drafts of writings! ;) I am in awe of people who can craft yarns into something...usable! Love the colours!

    1. Yes, sometimes my ORTs bin looks like that as well; citing myself from September 2017:
      - I also have a virtual ORTs bin from writing and editing. It's overflowing with misplaces commas, stray sentences, typos and orthographic mistakes, great ideas which were not so great after all, and wrong terms.
      So please join in ;)


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prÞver at svare pÄ alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.