onsdag den 1. juli 2020

Rant - Brok

Dem, der har læst min blog for nyligt, er ikke i tvivl om Uglemors holdning til det nye Blogger.

Nobody reading my blog the last couple of weeks can harbour even the slightest doubt about my opinion on New Blogger.

-- 😠 --

Men Blogger er ikke de eneste, der synes, der skal foretages en nyindretning af deres hjemmesider/databaser og så videre.

But Blogger is not the only one renewing and modernizing their homepages etc.

-- 😠 --

Facebook er også med på bølgen, jeg havde "fornøjelsen" af at blive præsenteret for deres nye layout i dag.

Facebook is doing the same. I had the dubious pleasure of their new looks today.
Green letters say: Bling and empty space between lines makes it flickering.
                             No counter for new messages in groups
Yellow letters say: Narrower central column.
Red letters say: Flags, colours and giant letters.
Light blue letters say: Info-thingy opening pop-up on mouseover.

-- 😠 --

Også Danmarks Radio og mange andre nyhedsmedier er med på bølgen.
Even our news media, also the public service ones, are doing the same.

-- 😠 --

Og min elskede Naturbasen.

And last, but not least, my to-go place for info on all things nature: Naturbasen.

Engelsk tekst siger: Dette er bare en reklame, knapperne virker ikke!

Jeg behøver vist ikke at fortælle hvilken, der er ny -- No need to tell which one is the new, I think.

-- 😠 --

     Suk. Hvad sker der lige for verden?
     Tom plads i flimrende farver, billeder der bevæger sig, hvis man kommer til at føre musen over dem, Mere bling, mindre tekst, færre oplysninger, clickbait osv.
     Uglemor føler sig gammel og gnaven!

  What's happening to the digital world? More bling, more empty space, photos, that enlarge or move on mouseover, less information, less text, clickbait and so on.
  MotherOwl is feeling old and grumpy today.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I opened Facebook yesterday to find the same "new and improved".
    And thought of you.
    And asked myself the same question.
    WHY? It wasn't broken, so don't "fix" it!
    But then we know why, don't we?
    Money. They are trying to get more advertisers. To do that, they have to change something - usually something that the most technology-oriented users will like.
    Hint: That's not the older folks. Even though we are still the largest cohort and generally speaking have more money than the younger folks.
    But the millennials are not far behind us, and have more years to live.

    I've been feeling old and grumpy for years but it has gone into a higher gear lately. OAG of the world, unite :)

    1. Money makes the world go round - but not always in a good way. Sigh.
      If you do not know it I can warmly recommend FB purity. It's an ad and other irritant remover for Facebook, and soon it will work with the new Facebook as well. I lover adblockers!
      This is one of the OAG's best weapons

    2. Thank you for that tip on FB purity. I'll check into it.

      And of course I meant "sigh" not "sign" at the end of MY rant :)

  2. You are not only in feeling old and grumpy. VERY grumpy.

    1. Maybe I should have said in my comment - OAVG unite! That would suit me, too :)

  3. Change for the sake of change, instead of making things actually better, is a very grumpy thing.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.