mandag den 22. juli 2019

Poetry Monday :: Things that cool you down

Delores of Mumblings and Jenny of Procrastinating Donkey are taking turns hosting Poetry Monday.
Today's theme is Things that cool you down (courtesy of Delores). 

It's mostly my temper that needs cooling, as I love hot Summers' days.

A cup of tea cools me down, when my tempers are hot,
My husband he brews it, and he swings the pot.
A smile from my children, and maybe a hug
Will make me forget it, and just smile and shrug.

A shell and a book on a warm summers day
will make me as cool as a wellspring in May.
My garden in sunshine with birdsongs and  trees
Will cool me more surely than winter's cold breeze.

5 kommentarer:

  1. Love your poem.
    Working in the garden helps when my temper is hot. Unlike you, I loathe the heat of summer and skulk away from it when I can.

  2. What a lovely peaceful picture you paint with your words.

  3. An intriguing thought, that a hot cup of tea will cool you down! I like to walk when I need my temper tempered :) (unfortunately I can't drink tea, or that would probably work for me, too, as I love the taste)

    Well done. I enjoyed the final two lines in particular. I hope your weather is treating you well.

  4. That is beautiful.

    Yes, stopping for a nice cuppa will help cool the temper and allow time to think before words get said that should not be.


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