onsdag den 9. januar 2019

Back to the Classics -- Familien Trapp

The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
Yes it's an old library book.
I always look at library clearing
sales for books, I want to own.
I have many!

2: A 20th Century Classic. 
     Any classic book originally published between 1900 and 1969

Original title: Die Trapp-Familie. published 1949 and written by Maria Augusta von Trapp.

This is the book behind The Sound of Music, but it is so much more tha the musical. It's a book in two parts, the first part is corresponds roughly to the musical, the second part tells the story of "what happened next". We follow the von Trapp family in America, how they struugle to become Americans during the war even, and how they managed to carve out an existence in a place so very different to their homeland. And through and under the book runs the story of love and faith. Love of the family, love in the family, love of God and faith in His providence. It is a beautiful an heart touching story of making the best out of everything, and how it's what you do that is important, not who you are.

-- 📚 -- updated list -- 📚 --

 1. 19th Century Classic:  Alice in Wonderland

 2. 20th Century Classic: THIS ONE.

 3. Classic by a Female Author: ?

 4. Classic in Translation: ?

 5. Classic Comedy: Don Quijote

 6. Classic Tragedy. The Odyssey or The Iliad.

  7. Very Long Classic: ?

  8. Classic Novella: ?

  9. Classic From the Americas: Huckleberry Finn or Tom Sawyer.

10. Classic From Africa, Asia, or Oceania (includes Australia):  Author: Arthur Upfield. actual title to be decided.

11. Classic From a Place You've Lived: Maybe Hamlet or Glasperlenspiel by Hermann Hesse. (I lived a year in Germany)

12. Classic Play: Jedermann.

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