onsdag den 14. februar 2018

Words for Wednesday - 14. Februar

This week's words are:

1. caldera
2. Merlin
3. unicorn
4. crossbow
5. thoughtless
6. stunning


1. glinting
2. crop
3. valley
4. particular
5. deliberately
6. cave

Let the creativity begin!

 Thoughtlessly we plopped down at the rim of the caldera. The climb had been tiring and hot, the children were exhausted, and we not much less. Only my almost teenage daughter was not. She was used to outdoor life and hikes. And now, instead of looking out over the isle and the stunning views, she rested her long body against a rocky outcrop, swallowing a penny dreadful with unicorns, crossbow shooting heroes, and magicians of Merlin's ilk on the covers.
Our youngest, then only a toddler - now he's neither a toddler, nor the youngest - fell asleep almost as soon as we sat down. The rest of us dropped off one after another, except for the avidly reading girl.
For how long we slept, none of us know, but we awoke to out daughter's loud yells. The toddler had, as was his wont, tossed and turned in his sleep. This had brought him to the rim of the caldera, and then over it. Our daughter lay fully stretched with a handful of his clothes in hand.
It was not that dangerous, but still ... there were cliffs, sharp edges, and boulders all the way down to the bottom of the grass clad slopes. We jumped into action, and got them both back on safe ground.

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