onsdag den 8. februar 2017

Nældefeber -- Nettle Fever

Nældefeber! Nej Uglemor har ikke kløende blærer over det hele. Hun er begyndt på at tænke over nældefibre igen. Der er en artikel i det svenske Hemslöjd ved navn  Nælderne blomstrer  der handler om nældedyrkning til medicinsk brug og til især fibre. Der står blandt andet at jo tidligere, man plukker nælderne, jo lysere fibre får man ud af det. Og det er jo god viden at have. Der står også noget om rødningsmetoder og spinding af fibre. Det er kort sagt en spændende artikel.
Den svenske gruppe "Nellorna" der står bag denne artikel, har både udgivet en bog, og har en facebookgruppe.   

And yes, dear English - and Australian - readers. I know that Nettle Fever is not a thing in English. It is a pun, and also a direct translation of the Danish "Nældefeber" meaning hives, as in the itching skin conditions also known as nettle rash or urticaria. The root of this word is Urtica, Latin for nettle. And nettles is the theme of todays blog post. Do you still remember the nettle to yarn project? Well it seems that nettle fibre is the new black. A Swedish journal, Hemslöjd, meaning crafting, is writing about nettle fibres and yarn.  Nælderne blomstrer   It's very interesting, and MotherOwl wants to begin nettling along NOW! but snow is falling, and nettling has to wait ingtil later.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Snow is falling? Oh my, that's a contrast to our weather! We are having a heat wave. There's a hot wind blowing which isn't helping us at all. You are looking forward to spring. I can't wait for autumn to arrive!

    Before I started reading your posts, I was unware that nettles were good for anything. I just regarded them as a nuisance weed to be avoided at all costs. btw, we love puns!

    1. I can't reaaly imagine hot winds now, looking over a snowy garden, and shivering despite my woollen blanket, cold, Northern winds creeping under the doors, but I'll post some snowy photos soon. I hope the bush fires are not showing up this year.

      Nettles are verasatile and even healthy. I just remebered, that I have made a herbal salt with nettle seeds and leaves. Time to dtry that tonight. Nelttle tea should be good as well, but we all love our Assam or Ceylon tea too much to experiment.


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