onsdag den 23. december 2015

Vejen hjem -- 47 -- On my Way Home

     I dag er det årets korteste dag, kun 6 timer og 50 minutter sollys får vi her. Så her klokken kvart i otte er der en hel time til at solen står op.
 - o 0 o -
Today it is winter solstice. We have only 6 hours and 50 minurtes daytime. At a quarter to eight there's still an hour left till sunrise.

     Denne uges billede den anden vej er taget fra den anden side af vejen. Her ses den trofaste lygtepæl, som jeg har lænet klameraet op ad, hver eneste gang jeg har taget et billede lige siden januar. Det var også den lygtepæl, valgplakaten hang på.

This week's photo over the fields is taken from across the road. On this photo the faithful lamppost can be seen. MotherOwl has steadied her camera against this lamppost every week. The exception was when the gruesome election poster hung there.

     Sidste uge komplimenterede Pia fra ColourCottage mig for min fine brug af blitz. Det var så gadelygten, der sørgede for lyseffekterne på billedet. Sådan nogle har vi haft et stykke tid. De første år, vi boede her, gik strømmen i tordenvejr, stormvejr, frostvejr, når en fasan ramte ledningerne og ind i mellem bare fordi. Først blev  ledningerne fra nærmeste storby, hvor elværket ligger, og herud lagt ned i jorden for snart mange år siden. Senere blev også ledningerne inde i byen lagt ned i jorden ved hjælp af en mekanisk muldvarp. Og i samme omgang blev vores tre søvnige gadelygter opgraderet til de nuværende lyskastere. Det var til glæde for mange, men Ugleboets indbyggere savner de ledninger, svalerne sad på.
     Her ses ledningerne og de gamle, søvnige lygter på et gammelt, rystet billede fra efteråret 2007, dog uden svaler.

Last Tuesday Pia from Colourcottage complimented me for the nice effect that my flash had on the tree. The truth is that I never use flash for the On my Way Home photos. It's this lamppost delivering all illumination,  Several years ago the power cables were buried in the ground from here to the power plant. It was a great improvement, before this we were without current when thunder rolled by, in stormy weather, when snow or sleet fell heawily on the overhead cables, when a peasant flew into them, and sometimes just because.
Later again also the overhead cables in the village were buried in the ground, and new, poverful lampposts were put in in place of the few, far between, and sleepy old ones. Most liked this change, but the inhabitants of the Owlery miss the swallows sitting there.
This is an old photo of the overhead cables, and the sleepy lamps, but no swallows (wrong season).

Solopgang/solnedgang: 8:44/15:34, dagens længde 6:50, aftaget 10:43

2 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    My girls and I were talking about your buried power cables the other day. We were wishing ours could go underground too. All our power poles are being replaced. The old ones are made from wood. Some of them look a bit skinny and fragile. The new ones are made from a man-made material. They are green. They don't look too bad because the green blends in with the countryside. They are much better than the huge grey concrete poles we've seen in a neighbouring area. If we had had buried cables, we'd never have had that huge bushfire that started in the next village next to ours, a couple of years ago. Powerlines were blown down by strong winds and a fire broke out and ran through the bush before the firefighters could get it under control.

    6 hours and 50 minutes of daylight doesn't sound like much to us! I enjoyed seeing a different view and hearing the details about how you take your photos, and also the power cable story. Thank you for sharing!

    I hope you have a very happy Christmas!

  2. Dear Sue.
    I hpe the green poles will hold onto your cbles this Summer, and that no bush fires happen at all. I Germany, where we lived for a year, the poles were pale blue to blend in. Green sounds much better. Here it's very wet now, no snow at all and temperatures around 8 degrees. I start to hate global warming.
    Thankfully the days start growing longer, today the DMI said The day has indreased by - well zero minutes, but still, indreased! Yay
    Merry Christmas to you too.


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