fredag den 1. maj 2015

Tykt garn og Tvind

     Vores søde nabo havde et nøgle stofgarn med til mig, sidst hun var her. Det måtte nødvendigvis prøves af, og heldigvis havde Uglemor en hæklenål i størrelse meget stor (vist nok 16) som var helt perfekt. Det skal blive til en blød, rund pude til en af vore ret hårde stole.
     Bogen er en samling kritiske tekster om Tvind, men den er fra et alt for tidligt tidspunkt. Ud over den har Uglemor gnasket sig igennem "Lyset fra Fyrø". Det er vist nok en nøgleroman om den første tid med Tvind-skolerne. Det undrer mig egentlig at der ikke er nogen, der har skrevet en rigtig skønlitterær biografi om Tvind.

Yarn Along hos Small Things

3 kommentarer:

  1. I can't read Danish, but I'm figuring you're making a rug or maybe a table (or even chair) mat of some kind. I'm curious what you are crocheting with. It appears to me to be what we call seam binding here in the States. Though I've never tried other materials, I'm fascinated at anything crocheted in something other than yarn.

    1. One of the reasons this post was not written in English as well as Danish is that I do not know the name for this yarn. Its made from the fabric left overs from - I think - mainly T-shirt faberication. My crochet hook is metric 16. It is supposed to turn in to a chair mat ;) well guessed. I love experimentng and crocheting in unspun wool, basket weavwing from those plastic strips from around newspapers and many more are among my pass times.
      The ohter reason for this all Danish post is the book. It is about a shool group in Denmark called Tvind. I miss a whole vocabulary to describe this experinece.

  2. Hello, I'm Pat from California (and half Danish, too!). This is such a pretty mat you are crocheting. It's a lovely color or green. Have a great day!


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