tirsdag den 18. november 2014

Vejret er aflyst -- No Weather Incoming

     Når vejrmeldingen ser sådan her ud (Se den seneste her: DMI) føler jeg at de lige så godt kunne sige at de i dag aflyser vejrmeldingen på grund af manglende vejr.
     Jeg har intet imod sne, hagl, slud, tordenvejr, tåge, storme, solskinsvejr, hedebølger, hvad som helst, men fri mig for det her ikke-vejr, hvor det aldrig bliver rigtigt lyst, hvor vasketøjet aldrig bliver rigtigt tørt, og hvor man er nødt til at tænde luset sent om formiddagen for at kunne lave noget som helst. Hvordan overlevede man i gamle dage inde elektriciteten blev allemandseje? Jeg synes vinterhi lyder ekstremt tillokkende i dag.

When the weather forecast looks like this (courtesy of DMI) I feel like they say: "We have an error occurring. The weather has been cancelled due to lack thereof!"
I don't mind sunshine, rain, snow, hurricanes in moderate amounts, thunderstorms, sleet, hail, or heatwaves, but these just grey, drizzling and windy chill days get on my nerves. It seems it's never daylight, just less dark. Even late in the morning you still have to turn on the ligth to do anything. How did people survive this before the invention of electricity - hibernating seems the obvious solution.

     Uglemor vender tilbage når vejret gør det samme.

When the weather returns, MotherOwl will reciprocate.

4 kommentarer:

  1. We both seem to have the same no-weather. Even late in the morning, towards noon , it was so dark and dull today that I couldn't help napping when reading an interesting book. I do dislike beeing so sleepy in the late morning after having slept soundly during night :-(

    1. Exactly the way, I feel. Unfortunately the no-weather does not seem to respect borders, I hope you'll soon have your weather back again.

  2. Uglemor,

    When the weather returns, Motherowl will reciprocate... I love your sense of humour. Hibernating sounds good. I would want to stay home in such weather but I guess that's impossible with school and shopping to do... I see you use the metric system like us. It's 12 degrees here at the moment and 6.30 am. It's light. I guess I have no excuse but to pull on my shorts and go for a run! Better say goodbye and go!

    1. At 6.30 it's ligth and you start running! *An incredulous MotherOwl stares at you with big eyes, looks at the clock, sighs, turns over and pull the doona ower her ears.*


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.