torsdag den 28. februar 2013

Dagens billede 28 -- Picture a Day 28

Det er så den sidste "Dagens billede"-post. Uglemor vil ikke blive ved med at poste lige så hyppigt i den kommende måned, men der er nogle løse ender fra denne måneds mange projekter, der nødvendigvis må følges op på:
- Jalapeñofrø der skal plantes.
- Flere vinduer der skal pudses.
- Strømper til Minimax der skal strikkes færdige.
- Hue der skal strikkes færdig.
- Firkantflet der skal flettes
- Lav der skal rystes og mere sættes over.
- Puder der skal filtes
- Ny ingefær der venter på at blive plantet
- Flere Woowlies der venter på at blive syet
- Krydderurter der skal planlægges og sås. ... Projekter nok til mange mange dage.

Men i dag er det Tøm Tønden-torsdag. Og ud over at få brugt strikkegarn og stof - som Uglemor har en hel kiste fuld af - er der jo også de sære ting i køkkenskabene. I sommerens varme dage tørrede Uglemor en masse krydderurter. Mange af dem blev brugt hurtigt op, basilikum for eksempel, men forleden da Uglemor ledet efter mere basilikum, man har vel lov at håbe ;) var der en hel skotøjsæske med små krydderuglesalte og -urter. De fleste af dem var tørrede urter til sæbefremstilling eller plantefarvning. men der var også to poser løvstikkesalt. Ugleungerne elsker løvstikkebøffer, og vi måtte straks forsøge. Det smagte næsten lige så godt som med frisk løvstikke, så vi var alle glade over fundet af urterne.Der var ingen Basilikum, det skal der dyrkes mere af til sommer.

- - - - - Cruncy Catholic Momma

This is MotherOwl's last project and pictuer a day post. I won't be blogging every day for the next month, it was fun to try, but I do not think I can keep it up. Some loose ends are still dangling, and need to be tied in:
- Jalapeñoseeds to be sown.
- More vindows to be cleaned.
- Socks for Minimax to be knit.
- Hat to be knit from candy coloured wool.
- Candy wrappers to make into something
- Lichen to be shaken, and more to be set to steep..
- Pillows to be felted
- New ginger waiting to be planted
- More Woowlies to be sewn.
- Herbs to be planned and sown ...ect Projects for so many days to come, God willing.

But today is Stash Bashing Thursday at Crunchy Catolic Momma, and I'm once again happy to join. Of course I have the socks for Marsupilami - almost done now - but Stash Bashing is not only yarn or fabric either - even if MotehrOwl has a chest full of fabrics, and lots of ideas. It's also about all those strange things hiding in the cupboards. Some days ago MotherOwl looked for Basil in the vain hope of finding some more for our pizza. She found a whole shoebox filled with small and not so small paper bags with herbs. Most of them were herbs for dyeing or for soaping, but she also found two bags of lovage salt. As the Owlets like Lovage infused meat, She made some aft first opportunity. We were looking forvards to seeing if it would be as good as with fresh lovage, it almost was, so MotherOwl happily showed the big bag to the Owlets. Basil were nowhere to be found. Note to self: Grow, and dry, more basil the next Summer.

  • En lille pose løvstikkesalt. 
  • Lovage salt, the smallest bag. 

  • Løvstikkebøffer. Vi spiste hjemmebagt foccacia og pasta til.
  • Lovage marinated meat, served with home made foccacia and pasta. 
Et andet projekt er at supplere Piratens læseindlæring. Det sker ved hjælp af Dråberne. I dag har de så fået besøg af Grønmand. De taler om hans hat.

- - - - -

Another porject is to help the Pirate in his journey to reading. The Droplets are excellent helpers, and today the Lego Leprechaun came visiting. They're talking of his hat.

  • "Det er min hat," siger Grønmand på dette billede. 
  • "That is my hat" says Leperchaun.

2 kommentarer:

  1. I am not very familiar with lovage - I know I have read a recipe calling for it in a face wash and in salad - neat to hear more about it. I am also looking forward to expanding my herb garden, I want to include more plants for dyeing this year.

    1. Lovage is a very versatile, but strongly tasting herb. In Danish we call it Maggi-herb after the bouillon cubes. We go through a lot of it in a year, as I like to use lovage instead of cubes.
      Dyeing plants also have a place in my garden, and I understand your drive tovards a bigger garden ;)


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