torsdag den 25. oktober 2012

Et tiltrængt spark bagi -- a much-needed kick in the butt

     I morges sad jeg og tjekkede min e-post, surfede lidt på nettet og på fjæsbogen. Så tjekkede jeg om der var kommet noget nyt i mine forskellige grupper rundt omkring, jeg skrev et par kommentarer på et World of Warcraft-forum. Det var kedeligt alt sammen, Uglemor gabte højt, det blev sent igen i går, Uglemor er et natdyr, og har svært ved at finde sin seng.
     Så tilbage til e-posten og så over på min blog. Det var lige kommet er nyt indlæg. Det her: out-of-control-clicking-and-clicking (dødt link, beklager). Jeg læste det med stigende erkendelse. Det var som om Sue Elvis holdt et spejl op for mig. Jeg skrev en kommentar til hendes blog. Tjekkede mit World of Warcraft-forum for kommentarer ... så slukkede jeg computeren og gik ind i "Uglehulen".  Det er Uglemors projektrum, der foregår spinding, papirklip, sæbesydning, plantefarvning, kurvefletning, kort sagt alle mulige håndarbejdsting og forsøg- Og alt til disse sysler opbevares herinde. Om sommeren foregår de fleste ting i haven, så ting der står i vejen, skal væk fra solen, eller væk fra regnen eller ... ender gerne derinde. Der trængte kort sagt til at blive ryddet op.
     Nu skulle Uglemors laurbær og rosmarin derind for at overvintre. Spirillen har en avocadoplante, den kan heller ikke tåle frost. Og da vejrmeldingen lover os mulighed for at vågne op til snedækket verden, så var det nu, der skulle gøres noget.
     De næste par timer for Uglemor: rundt og flyttede ting og sager ud, og gjorde rent. Så var det pludselig tid for at hente Ugleungerne fra skole og drikke kaffe med Hvalrossen, der skule af sted på ferie lidt senere.
     Vi vinkede alle farvel til Hvalrossen, og så tog vi fat igen. Medens Ugleungerne lavede deres lektier, for Uglemor rundt med fåreuld, trækasser, en spinderok, ting der skulle smides ud og en hel masse andet. Hun forstyrrede de slumrende edderkopper, tørrede støvet af alle de flotte flasker i vindueskarmen og fandt de store planteundersatser frem. Der stod også en spand med honning der blev rørt og sat på glas, Skribenten måtte hjælpe med at røre. Så gik vi alle udenfor i det herlige efterårsvejr. Spirillen og Minimax samlede æbler op og kom i en kasse, Uglemor og Skribenten bar den store krukke med planter indenfor, lugede lidt, plukkede flere æbler og ryddede nogle af haveredskaberne sammen.
     Uglehulen er ikke ryddet helt op endnu, men der er til at komme frem og tilbage. Kort sagt en god start.
     Efter aftensmaden fortsatte Skribenten med at læse højt af Ringenens Herre. Det gør han hvert efterår-vinter, når Hvalrossen ikke er hjemme og det bliver mørkt om aftenen. Ugleungerne kunne sagtens huske, hvor vi var nået til og hvad der var sket.
     Eftersom vi alle er kommet lidt sent i seng det sidste stykke tid, og er trætte og irritable, besluttede vi at putte Ugleungerne tidligt i seng, Uglemor og Skribenten spillede computerspil og arbejdede lidt. Uglemor fik forberedt lidt af vores adventskalender, og Skribenten skrevet endnu en side i sit nyeste opus.
Der kan man bare se hvad et spark i en træt bagdel kan føre med sig.
--- --- ---

This morning after breakfast, I sat down at my desk. I checked my e-mail, I looked at my gaming forum, and wrote a comment. I checked my Facebook, no no birthdays today. I looked at Ravelry, nothing really exiting. I yawned. I had trouble finding my bed yesterday, and the night before that as well. Owls are creatures of the night, and MotherOwl is no exception. I checked my e-mail once again, and then returned to my blog. Yay a new post. This one: out-of-control-clicking-and-clicking. (link no longer functioning, sorry).

I read avidly. It was as if Sue Elvis held a mirror up for me to look in. I posted a comment to her blog. Checked my WoW-forum ... then I closed my computer and went into my OwlBarn. It is a smallish room, where all my projects are stored, fleece, spinning wheel, soaping, plants for dye, basketting materials, wood working tools ... you name it. In summer and autumn things get put away in there, as everything happens in the garden. But now I needed my OwlBarn. We migth wake up to snow tomorrow morning, and my laurel and rosemarys just have to go inside. The same goes for Marsupilami's avocado plant. The next hours MotherOwl moved things away, dusted and cleaned. Then suddenly the writer called. It was time to pick up the owlets from school. I hurried away and back home, as the walrus was leaving for a holiday, and we all wanted to have coffee together before he left. We waved. The Owlets made their homework, and MotherOwl continued cleaning.

Then we all went out into the windy sunshine. The Owlets picked up apples from the lawn while MotherOwl and the Writer carried the heavy flowerpot inside. We picked some apples too, and put some rakes and showels away for winter. The OwlBarn also is home for the honey and bee things. The honey was ready. The Writer stirred it and MotherOwl put it in glasses, the Owlets helped with the cleaning of the bucket -- and needed a cleaning themselves afterwards. The Owl Barn is not tidy yet, but today was a good beginning.

After dinner the wind grew stronger and brought rain and hail. The Writer continued with the reading aloud of "The Lord of the Ring" where he let off last spring. The Writer and MotherOwl worked a little after the Owlets were put to sleep, and played some World of Warcraft as well.

Well that's what happens if you are given a kick in the behind at the rigth time.

  • Planterne er kommet ind. Til venstre vaskebræt til filtning og en stor stabel aviser til at flette kurve af. Til højre er der spande til honning og til tapning af birkesaft.
  • The plants inside. At the left an old washing board used for felting, and a lot of old newspapers for basketweawing. To the rigth buckets for honey and birch sap.
  • Årets honninghøst. Ikke noget at prale af mængdemæssigt, men smagen er uovertruffen. I baggrinden ses vidjer til fletning, den vidunderlige gryde til plantefarvning en kasse uld og et par vokstavler til bierne. 
  • This year's honey. Not much in weight but in taste - yummy. Behing the golden drops can be seen thin brances for basketry, the wonderful pot for wool dyeing, a crate of wool and some wax for the bees. 
  • Ringenes Herre-lego. Billede taget af Minimax, det er hans fødselsdagsgave. 
  • Picture taken by Minimax. It's his birthtday present.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Uglemor,

    Thank you for coming and reading my post. Thank you also for commenting and sharing your own experience. I was sure I was the only person in the world who sometimes clicks and clicks and clicks... aimlessly. Your comment cheered me up immensely!

    You got so much done when you closed your computer! I am inspired. I love hearing all about your garden and the animals and plants... so different from my life. I'm not a very good gardener. I do enjoy handicrafts such as knitting and sewing but I've never used a spinning wheel or made baskets or done any woodworking. Your honey looks so delicious!

    After reading about your day I am off to have a productive day too

    God bless!

  2. Sue Elvis, I think there's much the grass is always greener ... in this post ;) I have had exactly the same thoughts reading your blog. And I love your photos and envy you the onset of spring, and all the time you get to spend with your children while homeschooling ... I just found out about all you other blogs - gorgeous - and read the post on Wattle day. Do you know of Our Lady of the Southern Cross and the wattles on the painting? if not that's something for your next Internet down time. How I know? I've never been to Australia, even if it's an old dream of mine, but my eldest, and only daughter, went to World Youth Day in Sydney 2008, and I wrote about it in the small trimonthly magazine that I edit (it IS small 30 pages A5 format, big types and lots of pictures).

    1. Uglemor,

      Maybe you are right. Someone else's homeland and life sounds so much more exotic than our own. I forget people might be interested in the details of my life because to me, it is all so familiar. But I still think your life is more interesting than mine!

      I have lots of blogs... too many. Somehow I created them all and now I find it difficult to keep up with them all. I am guessing you were on the Bush Boys blog when you were reading about wattles. I started that blog to promote Father Tierney's children's books. Father is a personal friend of ours, and this is my way of helping him. I do enjoy writing about the books and the bush but just recently, I haven't had time to update the blog.

      I have a copy of the painting Our Lady of the Southern Cross on our lounge room wall. I like it very much. And yes, I did notice the wattle! The wattle is my favourite native flower. There are so many different species and they seem to flower at different times so we can enjoy them year round. Because there is a lot of bushland where we live, we often see the golden colour of the wattles standing out from the green of the gum trees. It is very beautiful.

      My eldest daughter was also at WYD 2008, but of course, she didn't have nearly so far to travel as your daughter! Maybe one day you will visit our country too.

      God bless!

  3. You have been busy Uglemor. Thank you for visiting me.

    God bless you and your family.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.