lørdag den 20. juni 2020

To dage -- Two Days

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 7 days.

Fredag og lørdag har det regnet og været lunt. Uglemor har ikke været i haven, før her lørdag aften.

-- 🌱 --

Friday and Saturday have been warm and wet. MotherOwl has not been in the garden, until now, Saturday evening.

Se her, snerler længere end min hånd. På to dage!

-- 🌱 --

Now look at this. Bindweed plants grow longer than my hands in two days!

3 kommentarer:

  1. I am always blown away by how quickly plants (particularly weeds) can grow if the conditions are right.
    Enjoy your time in the garden and the countdown to your holiday.

    1. Thank you :) I seriously think I have to spend a few hours weeding today - even if it is Sunday - tomorrow, Monday, they promise warm and wet again.

  2. Weeds take over in a heartbeat. A joke i read had a lady ask her mother, "Mom, you love to grow plants, how do you tell what's a good plant and what's a weed?" The mother said, "Pull everything up, if it grows back, it's a weed!"


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