lørdag den 27. juni 2020

DNB of the day 6 and Hopefully Last

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 0 days - this means TODAY is the first day of the Summer Holidays! 

Speed! My last rant. With no photos, because you cannot see how slow New Blogger is. Almost every function in New Blogger is markedly slower or more sluggish than its Legacy counterpart.
Now I am going to change back to Legacy Blogger and enjoy the fast, compact and efficient layout as long as it lasts. Summer Holiday is no time for grumbling. But I sure hope they iron out some of the bugs before late July.

3 kommentarer:

  1. It is. It is slow, cumbersome and counterintuitive. And I am resenting the extra clicks to do/see the same things.
    Enjoy your holidays.

  2. I hope they sort it out Charlotte and thank you sooooo much for these updates.


  3. We can certainly hope. Hope is about all we have right now.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.