fredag den 5. juni 2020

Farvegryden - 6 - Dye Pot

     Det sidste forsøg med akelejer.

  The last of the columbine test runs.
Clockwise: Natural colour, Rumex flowers (Rumex acetosella, I think), Dried columbines, Exhaust bath 3 & 4 from Dye pot 5

Syreblomsterne er højst sandsynligt Rødknæ, Rumex acetosella.

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Og det er det sidste forsøg, fordi akelejer desværre ikke er lysægte. De vidunderlige blåligt-grønne farver fordufter på omkring en uge i stærk sol. Duer ikke desværre.

And it is the last test run because the lovely  blue green colours are not lightfast, they disappear more or less after about a week in full sun. That's not good enough.

5 kommentarer:

  1. I am so sorry to hear that those beautiful colours fade away to nothing. What can you do to change that? Anything? Or do the solutions involve harsh chemicals?

    1. Nothing can be done - well I don't know about harsh chemicals, as I do not use them. It helps to keep the yarn out of direct sunlight, which is not so bad as it sounds, as woollen clothes are normally worn in winter. Not on sunlit summers' days.

    2. I assumed that you wouldn't use harsh chemicals. And wish they were never used. It is sad that you can't retain the colour just the same.

  2. That is sad, i am guessing most commercial products have some kind of color stabilizer or is not plant derived to begin.

    1. Not plant derived is the right ansver acid dyes are chemical compounds. But they too fade over time. Very few colours - and among them some plant dyes are really that durable ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.