lørdag den 20. juni 2020

More New vs. Legacy Blogger

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 7 days.

I am trying to use the new Blogger. Only I use more time writing bug reports and 'please improve this'-responses than I do for actually blogging GRRR!

But now to some things that really are a P.I.T.A. to me:
All those things demanding an extra click (or five), more scrolling or both!

Merely irritating - Borders and Labels:
New Blogger on top, Legacy below.

In the not so bad category. Setting the date.
New Blogger:

And the really bad. Aligning the text.
New Blogger. I first click the three vertical dots and then SCROLL:

Legacy version:

More big baddies - Photo placement and resizing:
     If I try adding a photo it invariably adds itself to the bottom of my post and not as expected where I place my cursor. 
     To enlarge, I click the photo, click the Pencil-icon, chose large or extra large, click Update. Four clicks.
     And I have yet to find the secret "delete this photo-button". Options are: Click photo, hit "delete" or go to HTML and delete all the relevant code. And undo arrows do not remove my wrongly added photos.

New Blogger:

Legacy Blogger: 

    When the photos insert themselves in the absolute bottom of the post there's also no line for me to write more text after the photo. I have to go to HTML-editing mode to continue writing text below the photo.

     I should have left all photos, where they inserted, but then this post would have been very hard to read.

8 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for these Charlotte, I am totally intimidated now. It all looks so clunky with so many new clicks. I am going to wait.


    1. It is not very good, and I sure hope they iron out some of if not most of the biggest chunks before late July, where they discontinue Legacy Blogger. It will be a sad occasion. You've got to try it out sooner than later, because the more of us complains about how slow, chunky, unwieldy etc. the New edition is, the more motivated Blogger will be for repairing it. So do try, and write them a slew of to be improved-letters ;)

  2. Thank you for your comprehensive testing.
    The clunky photograph thing worries me (of course given my photo heavy post).
    I will fiddle with it later today.
    Completely off topic, I came across THIS story in a writing challenge and thought you would enjoy it.

    1. Oh, EC Thank you so much for this link. This is how it could be IF witches and wizards were a proper occupation, and so well written. I'll save the rest of the chapters for when i'll begin to rain next week, else my weeeds will be all over :D Thank you!

    2. I am so glad you like it. It sang to me and I thought it would to you as well.

    3. Too much so, I could not wait until late, but had to read all three chapters. Now I put her blog in my blog feed, I won't miss any new tales of the Paper witch. Thanks for pointing me there :)

  3. What bothers me is that you cannot add pictures at all if you are using an iPad, which is what i mostly use. Clicking the icon does nothing.

    1. Tell them!!! I use a PC, big old one, and I have problems. I can't imagine doing this on a laptop!


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