tirsdag den 9. juni 2020

Farvegryden - 8 - Dye Pot

Toppen af det andet bundt skulle jo ikke forblive hvidt. Så jeg stod atter engang på hovedet i fryseren efter nogle skønhedsøjeblomster. Og en lille håndfuld farvede toppen den ønskede melerede rød-orange farve.

The top of the darker walnut skein was not meant to remain white. I dived into the freezer and resurfaced with some tickseed flowers. And a handful dyed the top the sought for uneven reddish-orange.

Bunden af det lyse fed blev stoppet ned i valnøddesuppen og det øverste af toppen fik en tur mere i hasselbladene.

The lower part of the light brown skein was put into the walnut bath, and the tip of the top into the hazel leaves for even more variation in colours.

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     Bundet til højre er ugens grimme. Det er 2. bad skønhedsøjeblomster. De har før givet orange til ferskenfarvet i stadig faldende intensitet, til der ikke var mere farve tilbage. Denne uhumske brune er noget nyt og uvelkomment.

The tiny skein at the right is the ugly surprise of the week. Tickseed flowers normally dye red, then orange, then more and more faded peach until all dye is used up. This yucky brown was something new and unwanted.

4 kommentarer:

  1. I am fascinated - with both your successes and with those that you class as lesser.

  2. Perhaps as Thomas Edison said, now you know what does not work with many of these colors. He considered that to be just as important when experimenting.

    1. I like that! And as a mamber of diverse dyeing groups, we of course share our failures too.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.