søndag den 21. juni 2020

One more New vs. Legacy Blogger-Rant

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 6 days.

I often have many labels to a blog post. In the blog post overview, I can see only four of them. One (the alphabetically first one) is always visible. When I hover over the oval with +4 more, I can see, not 4 as I expected, but 3 labels. The rest are ...  just dots!

And no, it's not for lack of space. Look at this:

  That last, missing label is "Årstider", and it would not have had all four labels take up more space than the three "In the Attic 2" labels do here.In Legacy blogger the limit is 200 units - two full lines of labels in normal sized layout.
   I stand mystified.

   Furthermore I type in "GR" to choose Grumpy - Gnavpot for this post, find it, put a checkmark in the relevant box, delete "GR" to look for New Blogger, my other tag for this post. But deleting GR in the add a  tag field deletes the checkmark next to Grumpy - Gnavpot as well! BAH!

Oh, I just found a couple of positives with the New Blogger.
- If I change the colour of the text, the old colour code is not still there when checking the HTML page.
- If I plan and then publish a post, Blogger asks if I want to post this at [Date & Time] If I click "yes", I go to the Blog post overview page, I do not stay in the post editing window as in Legacy Blogger.

But I dare say that these and a few other small improvements of the same magnitude come at a high price.

-- £ -- $ -- € --

I also just found out that the difference in empty space is even bigger if I chose the normal sized layout instead of my normal "enlarged for half-blind owls" layout. Have a look:

3 kommentarer:

  1. Svar
    1. Yes it's bad, but I have to say that since I started complaining, I have seen many of the worst bugs / renewals go away. So please try it out and write a note to them every time you find something not good! Let's teach Blogger that we do not just suck it up ;)

  2. It's awful, and i do not know what i will do about posting photos, either.


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