mandag den 22. juni 2020

DNB of the Day

Countdown: Summer vacation begins in 5 days.

  As you might know, I have more than one blog at Blogger. I have my Musings (my main blog - this one), Unicorn Farm, Droplets and a lot more. I actually have 16, more or less active blogs.
  That too causes problems with DNB (Disappointing New Blogger. You might supply your own adjective here).

Now this:
  Hitting Update (paper airplane icon) when editing an already published post, does not bring me back to the main page of posts.
  Hitting Publish (same paper airplane icon, only on a new post) will do this.
  Hitting the <- Blogger in the upper left hand corner after said editing, will send me back to my main blog list, not to the one I was editing posts from.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Sigh.
    I do hope they either give up (unlikely) to continue to work on improving their new model.
    Thank you for the reviews - scary as they have been.

    1. Some good news upcoming: Complaining works! Start bombarding them with suggestions and bugs!

  2. How do you balance that many! Wow.

    Hope they start listening, especially since i like posting pictures and want to continue to be able to do it.

    1. As I said, more or less active. Some of them are "work related" (My work being of the non-paying kind here), some of them are hobby related, and I often dual post here and on the designated blog - copy / paste for the win - and then jiust delete the English version, and maybe add a word or two. Some have been dormant for too long, like Haiku and Droplet blogs, but I had hoped to wake them up during this summer holiday - with new Blogger, well let's see.


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