søndag den 28. juni 2020

DNB at other Bloggers' Sites (7)

This is going to be a collection of links to blogs where people give their opinions and suggestions on the subject of DNB.

Katherine Tyrrell at Making a Mark
Adam at Too Clever by Half
Soulie at Picks and Pickles
Nancy at Joy for Grace

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you and them.
    As an aside, can you mark the links to open in a new window. At the moment when I close the one I have read I have to re-open your post to go to the next.
    The new blogger change which is irritating me most at the moment is the fact that if I try and open a post from my reading list I get this message
    The page you were on is trying to send you to http://www.rainfrances.com/2020/06/it-rained-and-baby-raccoons.html.

    If you do not want to visit that page, you can return to the previous page.

    Double click for no useful purpose.

    1. Lots of double work in New Blogger. The worst by far ia still the labelling system which is driving me up the wall.
      I see what you're saying about links opening in a new window. I'll try and change it now. No need for double work here sas wlee!

    2. Thank you. That is another minor irritation with New Blogger. Using the legacy version I had set all links to open in a new window. I now have to restate the preference every time.

  2. Thanks for the links, i will try to get to them soon.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.