fredag den 30. juni 2023

Fredagsfrustration - Jeg havde ret!

Normalt er det jo rart at få ret, men ikke lige her. Dengang, lige efter skyderiet i Fields, skrev jeg:
Og så kommer vi til våbnene - hvor kom de fra, hvordan kunne han få fat i dem ...
     Her skal i parentes bemærkes at han IKKE havde et automatvåben - og se lige på tallene: ti personer ramt af skud på ti minutter ... og så forestil dig ti minutter med et halvautomatisk våben.
     Han må have gået til skydning, for han kunne ramme, dødeligt.
     Og jeg mener at vi faktisk gør nok i Danmark for at holde våben ude af almindeligt omløb. Man skal, som jeg skrev i den engelske tekst, have tilladelse, gyldigt jagttegn osv. for at have et våben ... ja faktisk kræves dette bare for at gå ind i den afdeling af jagtbutikkerne, der sælger ammunition.
Så kommer snakken om hvad vi skal have af tiltag for at hindre at det sker igen. Og så rammer konsekvenserne os alle sammen: Mere overvågning, flere vagter, mere kontrol, mindre frihed. 

Og se nu bare:
SUK ... af og til ønsker jeg at jeg ikke havde ret.
    Og skal vi gætte på at der bare bliver mere kontrol (mere bøvl for os andre) og ikke flere penge til psykiatrien ...

- - - - - - 🎯 - - - - -

The subtitle in Danish means I am right. This is just one of those times where being right is not good.
You probably do not remember, but just after the shooting in a mall in Denmark, I discussed the possible consequences and wrote:

And then we get to the weapons - where did they come from, how did he get them, why did nobody stop him from having them, and so on. Possession of weapon is uncommon, you ned learn how to shoot, have a paper from the police, renewed regularly,and keep the weapon under lock in your home.
  Note that he did NOT have any automatic or semi-automatic weapon; just a rifle - look at the numbers: ten people hit in ten minutes ... now imagine ten minutes with a semi-automatic weapon ...
  He must have had lots of shooting practise (not a common thing in Denmark), because he could hit, fatally.
Then we'll talk about what we need to do to prevent it from happening again. And those  consequences will hit us all: More surveillance, more guards, more control, less freedom.

The screenshot from a Danish news agency promises just this. More restrictions, more bother for normal people ... and of course no more money for mental health care, which would help.

torsdag den 29. juni 2023

Månedens farve - JULI - Colour of the Month

Månedens farve for juli 2023 er --  The colour of the month for July 2023 is

Word Games ~ Words for Wednesday 2

The Wordle of Wednesday was an answer to one of the words in Hilary Melton-Butcher's first batch of words. I cheated in as far as I solved it (in last try) in one browser, and then fooled around with synonyms in another. This means that this is a screenshot of Wednesday's Wordle, and the reason why I only publish now, when hopefully it is not Wednesday any more even in the last possible place, if my maths are correct.
  Maybe I can do the same for more of the Words in the coming days.



onsdag den 28. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday ~ June 28 ~ Onsdagsord

Today is Wednesday. And this means Words for Wednesday!

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday are provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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All Wednesdays in June the Words are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher but they are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.

For June 28 we were given:



    Hilary also offered us some 'extra' words:

Only the extra Words resonated with me. I wrote a tiny story from my garden. I hope to use the rest of the Words in the coming days.

As we live in rainy Denmark, we often have rainbows over the house. Most often towards the West in the afternoon. Often the rainbow will end on top of my dome, and I have tried looking for gold in there, but never found any. I only find tomatoes, cucumbers, chillies, verbena, dill and a suffering coriander.
  My daughter, Big Sis, loves coriander. I do not, and she accuses me of not watering, maltreating and so on the poor coriander, so that they will not grow. I do not know why they simply refuse to grow in my garden, where all other herbs and spices thrive. The verbena is so big it trips me, and almost have me falling often when I enter the dome. Outside in two beds, I have lovage, chives, thyme and a lot of other herbs. I use them for herbal salts, which I consider an art form, as it saves summer's goodness for winters cooking.
  Next Friday I will exhibit my garden for a small group. I just hope the sage will still be flowering abundantly with its many sky blue flowers

Onsdagsord på dansk:

Jeg brugte kun de ekstra ord:

     Da vi bor i det regnfulde Danmark, har vi ofte regnbuer over huset. Oftest mod vest om eftermiddagen. Ofte ender regnbuen på toppen af min dome, og jeg har prøvet at lede efter guld derinde, men aldrig fundet noget.
     Jeg finder kun tomater, agurker, chilier, jernurt, dild og en smule koriander. Min datter, storesøster, elsker koriander. Det gør jeg ikke, og hun beskylder mig for ikke at vande, mishandle og så videre de stakkels koriander, så de ikke vil gro. Jeg ved ikke, hvorfor de simpelthen nægter at gro i min have, hvor alle andre krydderurter og krydderier trives. Jernurten er så stor, at den ofte spænder ben for mig, når jeg går ind i domen og næsten får mig til at falde. Udenfor i to bede har jeg løvstikke, purløg, timian og en masse andre krydderurter. Jeg bruger dem til urtesalt, som jeg betragter som en kunstform, da det gemmer sommerens goder til vinterens madlavning.
    Næste fredag skal jeg vise min have frem for en lille gruppe. Jeg håber bare, at salvien stadig står og blomstrer med sine mange himmelblå blomster.

tirsdag den 27. juni 2023

Klavervagt ~ Piano Guardian

     Vi har en ny klavervagt.
     Troldens klaver, der atter er hjemme i Uglebo, står på en væg mellem to døre. For at dørene ikke skal ramme klaveret, når de lukkes op og i, er der en ugle på vagt i hver ende.
     En af dem var slidt op. Det samme var en af Skribentens gamle skjorter. Men bare fordi en skjorte er slidt på manchetter, krave og andre steder, er der stadig en masse godt stof i den.
     Der var i hvert fald nok til en klavervagt.

     De hvide sting er altså gyldne, og klavervagten er mørkere i virkeligheden.

Og nej, man har ikke brug for øjne for at være en god klavervagt, og heller ikke for at nyde musikken når Trolli er på besøg.

The piano belongs to Trolli. It is now at home in the Owlery again, where it is situated on a wall between two doors. To prevent the doors from hitting, and harming, the piano when opened, we have two piano guardians, one at each end. I hope it is no surprise that they are in the shape of owls.

One of the guardians was worn out, same as an old shirt of the Writer's. But worn out shirts may be worn thin at collar, cuffs and other strategic places, but there's still lots of only slightly worn fabric in a shirt. At least sufficient for a new piano guardian.

The stitches looking white are actually golden, and the guardian is darker than in this photo.

No, you do not need eyes to guard the piano and enjoy the music when Trolli visits.

mandag den 26. juni 2023

Poetry Monday :: Canoe

Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært. Og nok engang kommer jeg til at undskylde til mine danske læsere, for dagens stikord, Kano, fik ikke nogen danske rim til at dukke op i mit stakkels hoved. Der er jo heller ikke faldet nok regn her til selv den mindste lille kanotur, vi fik hele  7 mm.

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 Canoe, is the theme for today, I think I once tried sailing a canoe, but as much as I love water for swimming, wading, splishing and splashing, even fishing or finding of waterlogged, or water polished objects, I do not like trusting my precious limbs to a nutshell at sea.

I gave it a try, but only foolishness resulted. Obviously I cannot do better ... so now I just publish what I ended up with after pulling my hair and crumbling several totally innocent sheets of paper.

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Canoe ...
I never sailed in a canoe,
I'm sure I would be green and blue
and beaten up all over.

I'd rather pitch a tent or two,
Cook meals over a fire too
And eat them in the clover.

But what about a kayak, then
I'm sure that it would be my end
I'd die a death by water

If ever I set to sea again
I'd follow many other men
And swim just like an otter.

A sailor's life is not for me
I do not like a life at sea
And neither at a river

No let me stay here a the quay
A merry life with lots of tea
Will never make me shiver.

 - - - - -

Next Monday: Mirrors

søndag den 25. juni 2023

Slipover :: Sunday Selections :: Søndagsbillede

Så er det så vidt! Min slipover med de afsmittende strikkepinde er færdig!
Nu skal jeg bare lige hæfte masser af ender - ca. 40 - vaske og strække den. Og bagsiden er længere end forsiden. Det er med vilje, for jeg bliver altid kold og stiv der nede i lænden.

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I did it! The slipover from the bleeding needles is finished. Now I only need to darn in a lot of ends (around 40) wash and pull into shape.

The back is longer than the front - on purpose as my back is always getting cold and stiff.
Den sidste sommerdag i denne omgang, så det kan være, jeg snart får brug for min vest.

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As today is the last summer day for now, I might need this slipover in the coming days.

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Mon ikke nogen af striberne rammer månedens farve?
I think some of the stripes is the colour of the month.

torsdag den 22. juni 2023

Slipover - "Strikkepindene smitter af"

     Min vest nummer to kalder jeg Strikkepindene smitter af.
     Jeg fik de her strikkepinde i julegave. Og nej, der er ikke fem af hver, dels havde jeg nogen i forvejen, dels er nogen "på arbejde" dels er der én pind der leger gemmeleg, men man kan sagtens se de vidunderlige farver.

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 My second slipover I called The Bleeding Knitting Needles.

I got these knitting needles for Christmas. I had bought some before, some are occupied with knitting, and one is always missing, so no there's not five of each. But you can clearly see the wonderful colours.

Så farvede jeg de her nøgler garn. Og et til.

🧶 -- 🧶-- 🧶

Then I dyed this yarn.

Og et til. -- 🧶-- and one more hank,

 Så strikkede jeg. Jeg genbrugte og tilpassede Stockholm slipoveren fra Petiteknit. Opskriften virker, det er kun mig, der er langsomt opfattende, og måtte læse den virkeligt mange gange - mindst 4 - for at forstå den.

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Then I knit. Using - and modifying - the pattern called Stockholm slipover from Petiteknit. The pattern is good - only I had to read it at least four times to really understand - It must be something in my head ...

     Men se, hvordan farverne fra strikkepindene løber ud i garnet. Det ser virkelig ud som om pindene smitter af.
     Snart, meget snart kommer der et billede af den færdige slipover
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And look at this, it really looks as if the needles are bleeding their colour unto the knitwork.

Soon, very soon I promise a photo of the finished slipover.

onsdag den 21. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday June 21.

Yesterday was Wednesday. And this means Words for Wednesday!

And oops it is still Wednesday😕, but I will not take this down again to repost in a few hours.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

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All Wednesdays in June the Words are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher but they are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.

For June 21 we were given:

Archetype (cliche)

Sometimes you just have a theme pursuing you and jumping at you whatever you read. For me this week it has been tongue twisters. And this made me write this crazy piece from exactly today, but many years ago at Unicorn Farm:

"Today is the last Thursday before Midsummer," Gylfi said after casting the Mál sameinast, so that everyone could understand what he said. "And in the wizarding world this means Tongue Twister Thursday. So today, after the last lesson, which will be shorter than normal, we all meet in the barn, or," Gylfi said looking out through the window: "Make that in the meadow."

None of the apprentices could really concentrate on the lessons for the rest of the Thursday. Now and then the professors had to call out a name loudly to make the apprentice answer. Heidi almost walked into the pump in the yard and Terje fell over his own legs twice on the way back to their classroom. Susan was for once the least affected of the apprentices. She had always loved tongue twisters and knew several in different languages. Of course worries got the better of her, in the exact moment Thora asked her a question:
"Susan, did you not hear me?" Thora asked.
Susan stopped trying to remember how to say a quite nasty row of words in Czech and shook her head: "Sorry, no I was inattentive. Would you please repeat?"
Thora looked at the apprentices, decided against praising Susan for her honesty and polite answer and instead just asked her: "The elemental of fire is characterised by which properties?"
Susan drew a deep breath, and answered Thora's question: "The efreet is the archetype of the element of fire. He is playful, volatile, and bent on getting bigger. You cannot command or convince an efreet, but you can trick him, a dare would probably be a good way to do this. But never forget. Fire is dangerous."
 "Fine answer," Thora sad, but you forgot ..."
What Susan forgot had to wait for next lesson. The bell in the small belfry stroke, and every apprentice an professor hurried out into the meadow.

In the corner of the meadows as usual tree trunks lay and slices of trees stood as couches, benches and stools. All the apprentices and professors sat down on their favourite piece of wood, and the Nisser gathered shyly in a corner a bit off from the rest. Gylfi steered a fairly thin slice of a big trunk to the front,m and cast a spell on it, Then he stepped upon it and spoke. His voice, magically augmented,, reached everybody.
"Whoever thinks he or she can pull off a tongue twister with a straight face steps upon this slab of wood. Any who cannot find any more to say, who stumbles or begin laughing is out, and go sit on the unused logs right and left. Whoever is still standing after one round, can try again. Winner is the last man, woman, girl or boy standing.
"I begin," Gylfi said. "How do you like this one: 'Stebbi stood on the beach and was treading straws. Straws will not be tread unless Stebbi tread straws. Once treads Stebbi straws, twice treads Stebbi straws, thrice treads Stebbi straws' ..."
All the apprentices and professors looked at him in wonder, then he and Thora looked at one another and began laughing.
Thora shook her head, clasped her wand firmly, and said: "It is no good trying tongue twisters under the language spell:" Then she swished her wand just so, saying: "Mál skiljas hver frá öðrum!"
Gylfi drew a long breath and repeated the tongue twister. Only this time his words came out in Icelandic: "Stebbi stóð á ströndu, var að troða strý. Strý var ekki troðið nema Stebbi træði strý. Eintreður Stebbi strý, tvítreður Stebbi strý, þrítreður Stebbi strý ..."
Thora stopped laughing long enough to say her part: "Rómverskur riddari réðist inn í Rómarborg. Rændi og ruplaði rabbarbara og rófum."
Susan began laughing as did some of the apprentices, mostly the Icelandic ones.  
"What did she say?" Heidi asked, "I think I have come to rely too much on the language spell to be cast every morning. I only understood a few words words."
"It is a crazy sentence," Susan said, still smiling. It means: A Roman knight went charging into Rome. Ran around and robbed rhubarbs and beets."
Tähti og Taavi stepped on the wooden slab and spoke in unison: "Vesihiisi sihisi hississä." (A water troll was hissing in the elevator).
Then Jon took a turn: "Ibsens ripsbærbusker og andre buskevekster." (The redcurrant bushes and other bushy growths of Ibsen's).
Torben was next. With a flourish he stepped up and said: "Bissens gibsbisp gisper bistert." (Bissen's plaster-bishop gasps gruffly.)
ML tried her luck repeating Stativ, stakit, kasket (tripod, fence, cap - not a sentence, only very hard to say) three times without error and failed.
Birgitta impressed everybody with her sentence: "Knut stod vid en knut och knöt en knut, så knöt Knut knuten och så var knuten knuten." (Knut stood by a corner and knotted a knot, then Knut knotted the knot and the knot was knotted).
Martine tackled a Swedish one: Sorry, Norwegian is not a good language for tongue twisters, and I'm sure you all appreciate this one: "Kvistfritt kvastskaft." (Knot-free broomstick)
Almost everybody began laughing and tried repeating it. The words were some they all knew in other languages from flying lessons, from working around The Farm, and most of all from arriving too late, after the Mál sameinast had been spoken over the apprentices and professors on The Farm.

One ingenious tongue twister after another rang over the meadow, professors and apprentices mixed up sentences, languages and words, and had to go sit on the logs, where friendly compensations in strange words and even stranger languages played out.

In the end only five were left. Tähti, Taavi, Susan, Lis and and much to her own surprise, Aamu

Tähti said: "Mustan kissan paksut posket," (Black cats' fat cheeks) whereupon Taavi admitted defeat, he had run out of ideas.
Lis still had it in her and gasped out: "Fem flade flødeboller på et fladt flødebollefad" (Five flat cream puffs on a flat cream puff dish)
Aamu held her own with "She sells sea shells down by the sea shore."
Susan retaliated with the worst one she knew in Danish: "Jeg plukker frugt med en brugt frugtplukker," (I pick fruit with a second-hand fruit picker). And only much practise let her say this sentence correctly.
Tähti dug through her brain, and came up with an Icelandic one: "Barbara Ara bar Ara Araba bara rabbarbara" (Barbara Ara only gave Ari the Arab rhubarb). This one made Lis laugh so much, that she could not say her sentence, and was forced to go sit on the logs.
Aamu showed off her spunk by continuing in German: "Wenn nach Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach" (When flies fly after flies the flies fly after flies).
And this made Susan say the Czech sentence she had been thinking off when Thora asked her about efreets: "Strč prst skrz krk," she said (Stick a finger through your throat). "And as far as I know only in Czech can you make sentences totally without vowels!"
Tähti stepped to the slab and drew a deep breath. Then she said: "Ringeren i Ringe ringer ringere end ringeren i Ringsted" and began laughing. (The toller in Ringe, is ringing worse than the toller in Ringsted -Danish, not Finnish). She went to the logs and sat down next to Taavi.
Aamu climbed up the slab, closed her eyes and said: "Zwei Schwalben zwitschern zwischen zwei Zwetschgenzweigen ," (Two swallows twitter between two plum branches).
Susan went to the slab, but all words had suddenly drained out of her head: "I surrender," she said. "Aamu knows more, and better tongue twisters than I do."

Everybody applauded Aamu, and Gylfi hung a big medal around her neck. Tea and cake magically appeared on tables near where they sat, and while the sun set between clouds to the west, good times were had by all.

Some kind of record? I used only two words, but a lot of different languages (Icelandic, Finnish, Norwegian, Czech, Swedish, German and Danish) and for info, yes, I understand them all - only not the Finnish ones.

tirsdag den 20. juni 2023

Japansk mad ~ Chawanmushi - 茶碗蒸し

Det japanske ord her betyder dampet (mushi - 蒸し) i en thekop (chawan 茶碗 - egentlig theskål), men man behøver ikke japanske thekopper for at tilberede denne ret. En lille ramekin eller kokotte er fremragende.   Det er en slags japansk æggestand, meget dekorativ og velegnet til forret eller tilbehør. Og så kan den, som så meget japansk mad, gøres totalt FODMAP-venlig!

     Nu kan jeg ikke længere huske, hvor jeg faldt over det, men jeg har jo en ulykkelig kærlighed til japansk mad - ulykkelig fordi så mange af ingredienserne ikke fås her i nærheden. Så det er som sædvanlig en "i stedet for"-opskrift.
    Min udgave er heller ikke helt så dekorativ som den oprindelige, men den smager fremragende. Som med al japansk mad er der nemlig også et æstetisk element i retten.
     Originalen siger, at man skal bruge naruto, de ikoniske fiskeruller med en lyserød spiral i, rejerGinnan, ginkonødder, der er smukt gule med en rig nøddesmag, edamame, grønne soyabønner (eller rettere mukimame - soyabønner uden bælg), gulerod  stukket ud i blomsterfacon og shiitake, svampe med brun hathud. Kort sagt forskellige farver, smage og teksturer.
     Mukimame kan man heldigvis få på frost næsten alle steder, men ginnan og naruto har jeg aldrig set noget sted, ikke engang WakuWaku, mit sidste og kun online tilflugtssted for umulige japanske varer, har det. Shiitake enten findes ikke eller koster så meget, at jeg ikke vil købe det for at skulle bruge en enkelt svamp (og jeg kan ikke tåle svampe. FODMAP-indholdet er højt i alle svampe).

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The Japanese word here means steamed (mushi - 蒸し) in a tea cup (chawan 茶碗 - actually tea bowl), but you don't need Japanese tea cups to prepare this dish. A small ramekin or cocotte is excellent. It's a kind of Japanese savory custard, very decorative and suitable as an appetiser or side dish. And like so much Japanese food, it can be made totally FODMAP-friendly!

     Now I can't remember where I stumbled across it, but I have an ill-fated love for Japanese food - ill-fated because so many of the ingredients are not available around here. So, as usual, this is an "instead of" recipe.
    My version is also not quite as decorative as the original, but it tastes excellent. As with all Japanese food, there is also an aesthetic element to the dish.
     The original says to use naruto - the iconic fish rolls with a pink spiral - shrimp, ginnan - ginkgo nuts that are beautifully yellow with a rich nutty flavour - edamame, green soybeans (or rather mukimame - soya beans without pods), carrot cut into flower shapes and shiitake - mushrooms with brown skin. In short, different colours, flavours and textures.
     Mukimame is fortunately available frozen almost everywhere, but ginnan and naruto I've never seen anywhere, not even WakuWaku, my last and only online haven for impossible Japanese goods, caries it. Shiitake either doesn't exist or costs so much that I won't buy it just to use a single mushroom (and I can't tolerate mushrooms. FODMAP content is high in all mushrooms except only oyster mushrooms, which is ironically the only mushroom, I really do not like).

Chawanmushi i noget, der ikke er theskåle.
Men der er altså rigtig gode til formålet.
De blev ikke så flotte i dag, hvor jeg faktisk huskede at tage et billede.

Chawanmushi in something that isn't tea bowls.
But they are really good for the purpose.
They didn't turn out so well today, when I actually remembered to take a picture.

If you read English go to Chopstick Chronicles for the recipe, I used most.

My "instead-list" is as follows:
Fish sauce, Rice vinegar and maple syrup for dashi*) and mirin
Pine nuts and cashews for ginko nuts
Danish fish balls for Naruto (I guess taste and feel is very similar, but not the looks)
Red bell pepper for carrot (allergy- reasons)
Button mushroom for shiitake

 - - - - -
*) Dashi is available as a liquid or powder if you don't want to make it yourself. Typically, store-bought dashi contains: Fish powder, salt, sugar, yeast extract, hydrolysed proteins and flavour enhancers (E621, E631, E627 - MSG and friends).
There's not much in it other than fish, sugar and flavour enhancers, so I think my fish sauce without E-numbers with added water, rice wine vinegar and maple syrup will do just as well.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG E620, E621) gives me a stomach ache. Many people do not tolerate it and the normal reaction is redness and bloating of the face, maybe headache, itch and palpitations (Chinese Restaurant Syndrome).

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OPSKRIFT på dansk

Pr. mand skal man bruge
     - parentesen fortæller hvad den ægte japanske ingrediens er.

1 meget stort æg eller 1½ almindelige
2½ gange æggets vægt i en blanding af fiskesovs, vand, risvineddike og ahornsirup (dashi og mirin *)
1 tsk soya eller ponzu 
salt, syvpeber og et nip sukker

3-5 mukimame / edamame uden bælg
1 usaltet cashewnød og
4 pinjekerner (ginkonødder)
1 fiskebolle (en skive naruto)
2-3 rejer, flere, hvis de er små
1 grøntsagsblomst af gulerod, peberfugt eller lignede stukket ud med en blomsterform (jeg havde kun en rund - kedeligt!)
1/4 champignon, helst brun (shiitake - kan udelades)
     Bredbladet persille eller det grønne fra forårsløg til pynt (Mitsuba eller shiso)
    Man kan også bruge tilberedt kyllingekød eller fisk, andre skaldyr, andre svampe, bønner, grøntsager og så videre. Kun fantasien og smagsløgene sætter grænsen. Nogle ingredienser skal tilberedes eller blancheres først for ikke at være rå indeni.

  En thekop eller lignende beholder med låg (eller lav et låg af sølvpapir)

Det tog i hvert fald tre kvarter første gang jeg prøvede, nu tager det højst en halv time.
     Pisk æggene forsigtigt sammen, der skal ikke røres luft ind i æggemassen, og kom dem igennem en sigte, så der ikke er klumper i. Tilsæt de øvrige ingredienser til æggemassen og rør grundigt, men forsigtigt. Fordel æggemassen i en thekop pr. mand.
    Varm ovnen til 175 grader og fyld ca 3 cm kogende vant i en bradepande. Sæt chawanmushi'erne heri, læg låg på og lad dem dampe i 3-5 minutter
     Når æggemassen er ved at stivne, fordeles ingredienserne dekorativt på/i massen. De skal ned i, men ikke under æggemassen. Pas på. Kopperne er varme, vandet er varmt og dampen gør kopperne glatte!
     Sæt låget på igen og damp yderligere 10-15  minutter. Æggemassen skal være helt stiv. Stik i den og hæld koppen lidt, kommer der klar væske ud, er den færdig, Kommer der flydende æg, skal den have lidt til. Sluk varmen og lad dem trække i ovnen i 5 minutter.
     Drys lidt grønt over og server rygende varme - det er en af de få japanske retter, der faktisk spises med en ske.

 - - - - - - -
*) Dashi  fås som flydende eller pulver, hvis man ikke vil lave det selv. Typisk indeholder købt dashi:  Fiskepulver, salt, sukker, gærekstrakt, proteinhydrolysat og smagsforstærkere (E621, E631, E627).
Der er ikke meget andet end fisk, sukker og smagsforstærkere i. så jeg tror at min fiskesovs uden E-numre tilsat vand, risvineddike og ahornsirup gør det lige så godt.
Mononatriumglutamat (MSG, E620, E621) får jeg ondt i maven af. Mange kan ikke tåle det, og den normale reaktion er rødme og oppustet ansigt, måske hovedpine, kløe og hjertebanken (Kinagrill-syndrom).

mandag den 19. juni 2023

Poetry Monday :: Kisses

Poetry Monday er en udfordring, hvor Diane fra On the Border er vores vært. Og nok engang kommer jeg til at undskylde til mine danske læsere, for dagens stikord, Kysse, får mig til at tænke på negerkys - og dem må vi jo ikke nævne mere ... så ikke noget digt på dansk denne gang heller.
Danish Kisses

 Kissing, hmm I'm not much for romance, but kissing as a verb is used many more places than between human beings, so let me give it a try.

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

Two logs in a fire,
almost touching;
flames grow higher,
please no clutching.
- just kissing.

Warp and weft
Shuttles fly
Left to right to left
Beat up gently
- just kissing.

Cars that meet
but nothing bent.
A clogged street,
a tiny dent
- just kissing.

- - - - - - - - - -

Next Monday: Canoes

søndag den 18. juni 2023

Sunday Selection :: June 18 :: Summer

Sunday Selections was originally brought to us by Kim, of Frogpondsrock, as an ongoing meme where participants could post previously unused photos languishing in their files.

The meme was then continued by River at Drifting through life.
She has now stepped aside (though she will join some weeks), and Elephant's Child has accepted the mantle.
I also sometimes participate, as do Andrew and Messymimi.

The rules are so simple as to be almost non-existent. Post some photos under the title Sunday Selections - Nothing rude or vulgar though. - and link back to Elephant's Child.

::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::  ::

A magical evening. The white flowers in the tree - a Clematis -
and the yellow Iris in the pond below were luminous.
 ::  ::  ::
En magisk aften - den hvide klematis i træet
og de gule iris i vandhullet var næsten selvlysende.

Der var også en rose, der slog rødder, den er nu plantet ud.
::  ::  ::
A rose had made roots, I planted it in the garden.

And a "snake". It is a grass snake, totally harmless and this one was even quite dead; probably dropped by a bird of prey, as it lay almost unharmed in the middle of the road. Our neighbours' children found it in the road, and I picked it up to show that it was nothing to be afraid of. We have one somewhat poisonous snake in Denmark the Viper. And it is good to be able to know which is which.
::  ::  ::
Og en "slange" Det her er en snog, fuldstændig uskadelig, og denne her var oven i købet død. Højs sandsynligt tabt af en rovfugl, da den lå næsten uskadt midt på vejen. Genboens børn fandt den, og jeg samlede den op for at vise dem - og vores børn - at den ikke var hverken farlig eller klam og slimet. Og for at vise dem forskellen på en snog og en hugorm. to tydelige gule nakkepletter.

torsdag den 15. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday June 14

It was Wednesday yesterday. And this means Words for Wednesday! I succeeded in writing a bit, I do not know where it goes or when.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

-- 🇦 -- 🇧 -- 🇨 --

All Wednesdays in June the Words are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher but they are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.

For June 14 we were given:

Mimsy (rather feeble)

"Most Mimsy were the Borogoves" Sif began.

"Oh, no," her brother Elvin said in a rather bitter tone. "Whenever she puts on that dress, she feels like Alice and just have to show us all that she knows all the verses by heart."

"Thyme is to try me, Gillyflowers are for gentleness ..." Lis started with her best, mad voice and expression.

"You are all as crazy as a loon in a boom!" Tage said very loud. "What is the general idea behind this outbreak of  citation madness?"

"We're trying to hit upon the right password for this chest," Heidi said with a smile, "but it quickly degenerated into a citation contest instead."

"What chest ... Ooh, I see," Tage said, as he noticed the diminutive turquoise green chest on the table. "Who gave you this task?"

"Jon did, surprisingly," Heidi answered.

"Bah," Tage said, "Then there's probably an old dish inside, and the remnants of a nautilus or a squid."

"Not all wrong," Jon said smiling, from where he suddenly stood behind them, "but can you guess the clue?"

Tage turned red all the way from the roots of his hair to where his neck was hidden by his upturned collar . He felt like being anywhere else, even at home helping his mother putting up the embroidery frame - her preferred punishment for trespasses.

"Can we have a clue?" Heidi asked to give Tage time to collect his wits again. "The first letter, genre, bird, fish or in between?"

Jon laughed: "Good one, Heidi. Yes I'll help you. Genre: Children's' silly rhymes. So please tell Ophelia and Alice to stop." And with these words Jon disappeared.

"Ohh, Gosh!" Tage said, "thanks for saving my shin. I forgot how good he was a teleporting."

"Children's' silly rhymes?" Lis said, "well Mimsy were the Borogoves, actually belong there, but he asked "Alice" to scam, so ... younger children maybe ... let's try!"

They tried Itsy bitsy spider, Ring of roses, Jack and Jill fell down a hill, Baah baah black sheep, A sailor went to sea, and many, many other.

Susan loved tongue twisting rhymes, so she began: "Betty Botter bought some butter,But she said this butter's bitter. If I put it in my batter, It will make my batter bitter, But a bit of better butter Will surely make my batter better."  

Lis caught on and intoned: "Bed Spreaders spread spreads on beds. Bread Spreaders spread butter on breads. And that Bed Spreader better watch out how he's spreading, or that Bread Spreader's sure going to butter his bedding."

And huff the chest opened!


mandag den 12. juni 2023


     På grund af ondt i ryggen igen-igen holder Uglemor en semi-pause fra bloggeriet. Jeg kommer undt og kommenterer, det kan også ske, der kommer et lille indlæg, men regelmæssig blogning er på mdlertidig pause.
     Dog er her lige en farve-idé fra en busk jeg forelskede mig i for flere år siden, og så endelig har fået taget er billede af - der røg også lig et par nedfaldne blomsterblade med hjem.
My back pains has returned with a vengeance. For this reason blogging will be irregular. I will probably read and comment, but not much blogging will happen.

The poto is a bush the colours of which I fell in love with yuears ago. I finally suceeded in snapping a photo - and stealing a couple op petals from the bush.

fredag den 9. juni 2023

Tak for musikken, Peter Belli.

Peter Belli nåede ikke sin 80-års fødselsdag. Det ville have været på næste mandag (19. juni).

Jeg lader ham selv sige det, der skal siges:

"Når lyset brænder ud
og natten den bliver ved
og takten går i stå
så er det helt okay
for publikum var med
og stemningen var høj
og sættet det var langt
der er altid en sidste sang."

En sidste sang på YouTube - absolut IKKE en af hans bedste, men hans sidste.

torsdag den 8. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday June 7 ~ Second Set

Yesterday I only used the first set of Words. But I wanted to finish this particular chapter. And the second set was just what was needed.
The Words in the second set are:


And as usual I used them in the order they were given.

Next morning Susan was once again up early while the cousins slept in. Susan found sleep in the holidays to be a waste of time. She watched Granny knead the dough for bread for lunch, and after some silence she picked up her courage and asked: "Granny, why did you not want me to say anything to Helen yesterday? I am sure she would become a very good midwife."

"So am I, Susan. But she has set her mind on becoming an accountant with a big firm. She has even found a job there for the upcoming summer holidays. She has her head up in the air, and any suggestion would just make her stubborn streak surface."

Susan nodded vigorously. She knew that feeling, anything somebody, especially someone grown up, suggested was immediately not as fun or alluring as before, and tit made the course no-one spoke off seem brighter.

"She has to follow her own journey." Granny continued. "But I hope her home port will be midwifery, she has the Gift for attracting babies. Her not being a midwife would be almost a crime. But promise me not to speak a word to her of this."

"I won't," Susan promised. "But why is she not on Unicorn Farm in the holidays like me?"

"I do not know how you were chosen," Granny said, "but I know, or at least suspect that you were chosen rather randomly, depending more on whom the teachers found than on any pre-planning. I also think that they mean for the school to expand ..." Susan looked up at Granny with a confused look, and Granny explained: "To expand means to grow."
"Yes," Susan said slowly. " I think you are right. He said something like 'more apprentices to come'."
"And now," Granny said, "not a word more of that place. I won't know any more, because I can't tattle if I don't know anything."

onsdag den 7. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday June 7, 2023 & IWSG

It is Wednesday. And this means time for Words for Wednesday!

Endnu engang undskyld til danske læsere. Der skal nok komme mere på dansk snart.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

-- 🇦 -- 🇧 -- 🇨 --

All Wednesdays in June the Words are provided by Hilary Melton-Butcher but they are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.

For today we were given:


I continue the story of Susan and the hatching of the chickens. Still only low-key magic. And I only used the first set of Words, but as usual in the order they were given. The story is long enough, but it will possibly continue later with the last batch.

Later today I will update with the monthly IWSG-question.

Susan dared not even twitch an eyebrow as the tiny chicken lying in her hand raised his head and looked around. His feathers were still wet, glued to his body with the moisture, and she could see the roiling movement of his intestines through the skin. The chicken felt so small, so defenceless, that Susan started doubting she had chosen wisely. The head was almost too heavy for the small creature to raise, but he refused to give up.

Slowly he dried in the sun and warmth from Susan's hand fluffing up nicely, finally looking how a chicken ought to in Susan's mind.
Granny came over an put a small amount of what she called grit, barley finely ground in a contraption on a nearby swine farm in Susan's empty hand. Susan held the hands together as Granny showed her and with gratifying vigour the small chicken began pecking at the feed.

When Susan's rooster chick had eaten its fill, it simply lay down and fell asleep in her hand. She shook the remaining grit from her hand and cupped both around the fluffy ball. She watched her cousins. Lena's chicken had already hatched, and now lay drying in her hands, Myrtle, the oldest, sat still, wool-gathering, while her chicken chirped helplessly inside the shell. Helen coaxed it on, at the same time keeping an eye on her own vigorously rocking and chirping egg. Susan was suddenly reminded of a newsreel. It had been a part of their career planning in school, and shown a midwife assisting at a birth. Helen reminded Susan of that midwife. She looked up at Granny, who put a finger to her lips. Myrtle's chicken broke free, and Helen caught it and placed it in Myrtle's hands. "Keep her warm, now, Myrtle," she spoke softly. Myrtle looked as if she returned from far away and  looked down at the wet, not very charming creature in her hands.
"I always forget they start out so disgusting," she said. "But it will fluff up soon." Now that the chicken was there, Myrtle took good care of it, and soon Granny placed a small mound of grit in Myrtle's hand as well.
Helen spoke and cooed to the tiny creature inside her egg. An when finally it emerged, she pulled off her woollen scarf, dried the chicken ever so gently warmed it with hands and scarf.
Granny walked off and returned with a lamp and a long extension cord.
"You can't stay her all day and night with these chicken," she said. "Myrtle give your chicken over to Helen and help me hang this lamp."
Myrtle had done this together with Granny before, and soon a small enclosure inside the coop was bathed in warming, red light. 

"This will help mama hen," Granny explained. "She has too many chicken for them all to fit under her wings, but the lamp will keep them warm, and she will soon enough take care of them all. Let's see how they are doing, and if more of them need our help."

Granny helped the girls place the stuffed, sleeping chicken in the straw beneath the heat lamp and then she slowly opened the other door into the hatching place. The black and white hen looked at Granny with her beady eye and some chicken popped their heads out from under her wings. Granny clucked and cooed and mama hen arose and walked over to granny, who lifted her up and over the barrier into the heated compartment. In the straw lay at least ten chicken, that rose up, fell over their legs and generally tumbled around.

Susan stretched out her hand, then looked up at Granny.

Granny nodded. "Yes those small ones need to go into the heated compartment as well." Susan picked up one fluffy chicken in each hand, gently placing them next to mama hen. She clucked satisfied with having her babies back and Susan and the three cousins picked up chicken after chicken until the stall was empty.

"There's still some eggs here in the corner," Helen said. "Will they hatch?"

"Pick them up, but carefully,"Granny said, "and give them to me, one at a time." The girls did as instructed, and Granny held each egg up to the sun and looked at it. Some she placed at the ground, close to the coop, but most of them she handed to the girls, Each ended up with two eggs. "The chicken inside those eggs are still alive," she explained. "If you can warm and turn them well enough, they might survive and hatch."

The girls did their best, Helen and Susan each taking over one of Myrtle's eggs as she had to leave for an appointment later. It became boring, sitting there, turning the eggs at intervals. Auntie G joined them, bringing a guitar, and softly they sang long ballads, the Riddle song, tear provoking folk songs and mirthful lays until finally all eggs were hatched and Granny came out and told them to put them under the heat lamp with mama hen.

"Don't we ned to feed them?" Susan asked.

"No," Granny answered, "that was a special treat for the special chicken to give them a headstart. Chicken do not need to eat for their first 24 ours. They are hatched with the remains of the yolk inside their tummy. This is also why you can send newly hatched chicken to breeders."

"Oh!" Susan said.

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

June 7 question - If you ever did stop writing, what would you replace it with?

My answer - I truly do not know. I have been writing stories since before I began school, and in school I once ended an essay with these or similar words: "If I didn't have no books to read, I would write me some books. Just to have something to read."

Really, I think I only stop writing when I grow very old. Old enough to not see the keyboard or hold onto a pencil.

mandag den 5. juni 2023

Small update on Deposit.

I added a paragraph to my deposit-post, but I wonder how many return to read old posts even if they are marked with Updated, so here's the update all by itself:

I just looked a bit further; 8 % of all bottles and cans with deposit marks are not cashed.
8% does not sound like very much -- but it amounts to 140 millions bottles and cans.
Even if all were the lowest rate, 140 million Danish Kroner is a huge sum of money.
It is approximately equal to:
18.800.000 €
20.142.150 US $
16.211.418 £
30.379.594 Australian Dollars
27.072.010 Canadian Dollars.

Poetry Monday :: Hot Air Balloon

It is June, the theme of this Poetry Monday is Hot Air Balloon. It is time for a repost from October 2019.

Poetry Monday is a challenge, hosted by Diane at On the Border.

For October 14, 2019 Diane gave us Our Bucket List, And I wrote: 

 I do not have a written, dedicated bucket list. Of course I have things I would like to do, and see, and try, but it's not the stuff you normally see on such lists.
 Well the theme is set. Ready, start, rhyme!

So many places I have not been,
so many wondrous sights unseen:

  I'd like to find the rainbow's end and win myself a pot of gold.
Because I like to feast and share
I do not like meals to be spare.

  Another thing, I'd like to do: see a new continent - yes I'm bold
Australia would be my choice
For kangaroos would bring me joys.

  And then I always wanted to be a pilgrim, and I'm told
that Santiago used to be the end
of Spain, I'd like to visit there again

  I've never soared through skies above. And I would sure like to behold
My house from a hot air balloon,
On a nice, cloudless day in June.

  But what I want to most of all is to grow oh, so very old.
Because I'm curious, you know,
I want to see my children grow.
And stay with hubby, grow a tree,
I'd be so happy - as you see. 

          -- o 🛤 o --

Next Monday: Red Roses

søndag den 4. juni 2023

Danish Deposit System - Updated

The answer to Messymimi's comment on my post on Negativity became so long, I decided to turn it into a post of its own.

Messymimi wrote:
We are blessed with a recycle bin into which we can throw clean paper, paperboard and cardboard, all cans even if crushed to fit more in the space, glass, any solid plastic with the recycle symbol and a number on it, and many such things. Plastic bags and film with the recycle symbol can be taken to the grocery and dropped in their recycle box.

Of course, we don't get paid for this, we pay for the recycle bin along with our garbage bin, and it gets picked up once a week.

If you want to recycle larger metal items, you can take them to a scrap metal recycling center and get paid by the pound.

I'm just glad we are able to recycle so much so easily.

Yes, people throw their trash all over the place, and 've often wondered what they are thinking and why they do it. If i'm driving somewhere and have something in my car that needs thrown away, i take it home and put it in my garbage bin where it belongs.

We have those recycle bins too. Our nearest are 200 m from home, and we can throw paper, glass metal batteries and plastic there.

What does not fit into these bins, like cardboard, wood, larger metal (which we do not get paid for) and so on we have to drive (neighbour helping) to a "big scrap place" 8 km away. As Mimi we pay for this service via taxes and payment for our garbage bins.

And I too am very happy with this system and use it for all relevant kinds of "garbage" And those cans and other crunchables I crunch up to make room for more ;)
Our local recycling bins; from left: Paper, glass, metal, plastic.
On the white fence behind the bins you'll find a small box for batteries.

But bottles and cans for beer and soft drinks come with a deposit. If I buy me a soft drink, I pay 4.50 Kr. for the contents of a cheap soft drink and 1 Kr. for the bottle. (1 € is 7.50 Kr)

The 1 Kr. for the bottle is returned to me if I hand in the bottle in the supermarket - either the one where I bought the bottle or any other. Only very few bottles are brand specific. If instead I decide to break the bottle to use the bits for decorative purposes - or just for fun, I lose my 1 Kr.
My cheap soft drink that costs me 4.50 Kr. It contains half a litre of sparkling water with a touch of lemon. If you held it in your hand and turned it around, you would find a barcode and a deposit label looking much like this one.
Pant A means Deposit lowest rate = 1 kr.
     We have a B (1.5 kr) and a C (3 kr.) as well.
ALU A on top ... is for aluminium.
     Sorry I could not find one for Plastic. It would say PLAST P on my hypothetical bottle.

All soft drinks and beers sold in Denmark - and some other things like juice, alcopops, ciders, and smoothies - either come in standard glass bottles (equals Deposit A) or has a deposit label on them,
Only wine and alcohol bottles and those containing drinks with milk are exempt from this system. I never understand the reason why.

The four cans at the bus stop (here without Super Hero vision superimposed) were all marked with Deposit A. But as they were crunched, the deposit machine cannot read the label - or recognize the thing as a can, thus no deposit will be paid back for those four cans.
Free money for the supermarket, an evil for the environment, and a bother to me - or any other - who would have picked up and cashed the cans were they not crunched.

I just looked a bit further; 8 % of all bottles and cans with deposit marks are not cashed. 8% does not sound like very much -- but it amounts to 140 millions bottles and cans. Even if all were the lowest rate, 140 millon Danish Kroner is a huge sum of money.
It is approximately 18.800.000 € or 20.142.150 US $ or 16.211.418 £ or 30.379.594 Australian Dollars or 27.072.010 Canadian Dollars.

And this is what leads me to say that the Danish deposit system is fabulous ... only we need to raise the deposit, discouraging people from crunching up the cans and breaking the bottles. And if we could have the deposit on wine and liquor bottles too and those with milk, it would be just fantastic. A wild dream would be to expand this deposit system to all of EU. Added: And this seems to be a dream that the higher ups share as well. I read a suggestion to do just this yesterday.

 - - - - -

By the way, the pull tab on one of those energy drinks and the can itself seems to be Turquoise Blue -- the colour of the month.

fredag den 2. juni 2023

Negativitet - 3 - Negativity

Kan I huske de negative superhelte? Jeg kan godt, men det er selvfølgelig også min drøm og min blog, og i dag så jeg noget der mindede mig om dem.
     Min drøm: Der fandtes superhelte. Negative superhelte. De var så negative, at når deres blik faldt på noget affald i grøftekanten eller et andet sted, hvor det ikke skulle være, lyste affaldet op i negative farver.

-- ♺ --

Do you remember the negative supers? No wonder if you don't, I wrote about them over 6 years ago. But I remember - they were my dream after all - and today I was once again reminded of them.

My dream: Supers existed, negative supers. They were negative, very much so, and whenever their eyes fell on garbage in a ditch, the garbage went negative too.

     I dag falder mine negative superheltes blik på fire dåser fra energidrikke. Det er nye, danske dåser med pantmærker på. De kan bare ikke indløses, for der er nogen der har stået eller hoppet på dåserne. De er helt flade.
     Indtil Irma i Helsinge lukkede, var det i den butik et menneske som tog imod pantflasker og -dåser, og altså også dåser der var mishandlede og skæve. Men nu er der kun pantmaskiner alle vegne, og de tager kun imod hele, fine dåser.
     Jeg har flere gange på denne blog skrevet om at panten var for lav - og det er den da åbenbart, når det er sjovere at hærge dåserne end at pante dem.

-- ♺ --

Today the super vision of my negative supers discovers four cans from some energy drink. Those are new, Danish cans, bearing the deposit mark, but they will never get cashed, as they are made flat by someone standing on top of them. The machine won't accept them.

A bit over four years ago the only supermarket having a human being receiving the cans and bottles was closed. Now we have deposit machines everywhere, and they accept only cans in pristine condition.

More times now I have been agonizing that the deposit is too cheap. I still think I'm right.

torsdag den 1. juni 2023

Words for Wednesday May 31

Back almost painfree, magazine sent to the printer, garden almost weeded, dome almost rebuilt, now  normal blogging will be resumed. And yesterday was Wednesday. This means time for Words for Wednesday!

Endnu engang undskyld til danske læsere. Der skal nok komme nyt fra haven, om min dome og så videre.

This challenge was started by Delores a long time ago. Troubles led her to bow out, but the challenge was too much fun to let go, and now the Words for Wednesday is provided by a number of people and has become a movable feast with Elephant's Child as our coordinator.

The general idea of this challenge is to make us write. Poems, stories, subtitles, tales, jokes, haiku, crosswords, puns, ... you're the boss. Use all Words, some Words or even none of them if that makes your creative juices flow. Anything goes, only please nothing rude or vulgar.

 It is also a challenge, where the old saying "The more the merrier" holds true.

So Please, remember to follow the links, go back and read other peoples' stories. And please leave a comment after reading. Challenges like this one thrives on interaction, feedback and encouragement. And we ALL need encouragement. 

-- 🇦 -- 🇧 -- 🇨 --

For the last time in May the Words are provided by David M Gascoigne but as always are made public at Elephant's Child's blog.



This was some tough words. I wanted to continue my story of Susan and the hatching, but
Lions, Predators, and Firestorms? Uncanny words at a chicken hatching, I just had to work a bit harder. Here is what happened:

Rasmus suddenly made Susan think of lions, "Lions," she said aloud. "But why does Rasmus remind me of lions."

"I'm sure you'll find out eventually," Granny said, "but now I need your resources to help with the eggs. Which one would be your choice for a prime rooster?"

Susan slowly walked to the hen house. Then she knelt. The wisest course of action was to be as small and insignificant as possible. Susan thought of using the Nothing interesting here spell but decided against it. Slowly, cooing calming sounds, she put her hand under the brooding hen and systematically felt the rocking and chirping eggs.
She thought of a predator, and felt a protective spark from the egg under her hand. Gently her hand closed around this egg and slowly and with many an excusing and calming sound she pulled out the egg. "This one!" she said.

"Hold it in your hands to keep it warm," Granny instructed, "Turn it occasionally, and do not give in to the temptation of helping the chick break out. This might kill him, and I promised my next neighbour a fine rooster."

Susan sat on a log in the sun, warming and gently turning the egg; listening to the chirping sounds emanating from inside and encouraging the small one to break his shell.

Granny also felt the eggs, and gave one egg each to the three cousins with like orders. "She has too many eggs in there," Granny said. "There's not room and air for them all to hatch, and I have been inattentive, letting her incubate this many eggs. She is a sly one and bears watching.

Susan's thoughts strayed from the task at hand, her fingers still gently turning and warming the egg, but her thoughts were far away. Suddenly she remembered the connexion between Rasmus and lions. Elleore, the Lion island as they called it. Home to great and ferocious lions in Susan's mind, but in reality the two lions from The Lion Hunt had been old, and had been shot by sharpshooters during the filming instead of being euthanised in a German zoo.*)
     Every time they went to visit Granny they passed that island, and something in the form and colour of Rasmus' head had reminded her of it. She also remembered falsely thinking a firestorm was ravaging the sland, when it was only the setting sun reflecting off the ice in the fjord.
     Elleore was a fabled island in Susan's mind. Populated by lions, cows, hunters and a king and a queen. Yes Elleore was also a kingdom, a teeny tiny one, almost 4 acres of land in Roskilde Fjord. It was absolutely not an imposing sight, rising only slightly over the calm waters of the fjord. But Susan loved the stories connected to it. She owned several stamps issued by the micro-nation, and hoped that they would, as they had spoken off, be reproducing some of the scenes from The Lion Hunt to be used on new stamps. Normally no humans lived on Elleore, but one week a year the king, queen, government and all the people of Elleore met there to govern their island-kingdom.

A violent chirp and a big piece of the shell, that broke from the egg in her hands let all thoughts of lions and royalty flee from Susan's mind as she focussed on the tiny creature slipping wet and slimy into her hands.

Does Rasmus look like a lion?

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The Lion Hunt filmed on Elleore in 1907. Link