fredag den 27. januar 2023

Fredagsfrustration :: Bloggers nye meritter

Hvis I synes, mine blogindlæg har set lidt mere underlige ud og indeholdt lidt flere fejl på det seneste, er forklaringen den simple, at meget af dem faktisk er skrevet i HTML-visningen og ikke som normalt i Visningen Skriv.
     Det værste er faktisk at stavekontrollen ikke virker i HTML-vinduet. Så vær beredt på flere stavefejl og andre mærkværdigheder fremover. For det kræver nok nogen tilvænning, før jeg kan få mine blogindlæg til at se pæne ud igen.
     Blogger har nemlig fundet på helt nye numre indenfor de seneste par uger.

     Hver evig eneste gang jeg indtil for nyligt begyndte at skrive et blogindlæg, begyndte jeg i HTML-visning, hvor jeg så skrev et par bogstaver, som nnn her oppe i toppen - normalt sletter jeg dem bare senere. Så skiftede jeg til visningen skriv. Og derefter var jeg noget så forsigtig. For ve mig hvis jeg kom til at trykke på ENTER uden at holde SHIFT nede, eller jeg centrerede noget eller indsatte billeder, eller ... kort sagt en hel masse af de ting, jeg normalt gør, når jeg skriver et blogindlæg. For så Wham! var min formatering ikke længere Normal med enkelt linjeafstand, men Afsnit med dobbelt linjeafstnd og en masse sære koder inde i maskinrummet.
    Det seneste stykke tid har Blogger tilføjet en < div> kode i begyndelsen af hvert afsnit, billede osv og ligeledes en < /div> i slutningen af hvert afsnit.
     Nu er de imidlertid gået helt amok og har erstattet < br/> (= tvungen ny enkelt linje) med følgende svada: < /div>< div style="text-align: left;">
     Men hvorfor? Hvorfor i alverden skal jeg huske at holde Shift nede? Hvorfor skal jeg passe på som en smed, hvis jeg vil indsætte billeder eller centrere noget tekst, eller bruge en anden skrifttype?
     Før i tiden var det så også sådan, at hvis jeg kiggede i HTML for at se, hvad Blogger nu havde lavet for ulykker, stod hvert element pænt i en blok for sig på en overskuelig måde (og sådan står de altså stadig, hvis jeg åbner et gammelt indlæg i HTML - bare se nedenfor). Nu er det bare én lang tekstblok fra start til slut med koder og det hele i en lang pærevælling.
     Derfor er jeg begyndt for det meste at arbejde i HTML-visningen, når jeg skriver blogindlæg. Det går langsommere at skrive koderne tegn for tegn, til gengæld kan jeg være sikker på at der ikke sker underlige ting undervejs - og jeg kan dele HTML blokken op i små bidder med ENTER, så jeg kan finde rundt i den.

Dette indlæg set i HTML -- This post as shown in HTML

Et gammelt indlæg set i HTML -- An old post as seen in HTML

Friday Frustration :: Blogger's latest

If you think my posts have looked a bit more chaotic lately, with more errors and typos than is my wont, the explanation is that I have been mostly composing my posts in HTML mode instead of the normal Compose mode. The real toughie is that spell checker does not work in HTML, so be prepared for more typos and mistakes. It'll probably be some time until my blog posts once again looks how I want them to look.

And just why am I using HTML mode instead of Compose?

Because it is a solution, probably not the best, bit the one buggering me the least to Blogger's new antics.
For the last two months or so every single time I began composing a post, I began in HTML mode. I typed in a couple of letters - like the nnn above. Then I changed to Compose mode and I had to remember each and every @$#% time to hold down SHIFT while pressing ENTER so as not to activate my nemesis; Paragraph Formatting.

If I added a photo ... or changed between HTML and Compose modes, or if I right aligned or centered something or a lot of other things that are neither unusual not uncommon ... if I was not totally careful BAM! Paragraph formatting was back.

If I then marked all of my post and selected Normal, all the < p > changed into < /div>< div style="text-align: left;"> instead of the simple  < br /> = new line, single spacing, I had had so far.

And if I then selected HTML mode trying to clean up Blogger's mess, the post was one big unbroken wall of text interspersed with seemingly random pieces of code - as can be seen in the screenshot.
Earlier the HTML mode was not like this; the different elements were nicely sorted as can be seen from the  other screenshot - the old ones are still like this when opened.

And all this is why I now try editing my blog posts in HTML mode, painstakingly typing in the codes and inserting lines with Enter where I want them to be. It might be slow, but overall better for my temper and blood pressure.

12 kommentarer:

  1. Have you read Adam's post about Paragraph vs Normal spacing? ( - I don't know if that helps much but I can certainly understand a tiny about formatting issues. I honestly don't understand enough to offer any options that might help.

    Have a lovely day

    1. Yes I have read what Adam wrote. I even asked him a bit about it. He's normally my oracle in all things Blogger, but this time, well seems he likes paragraph formatting, and I don't. Or I might not be able to explain my problem properly.

  2. Sigh. Blogger has developed a nasty habit of fixing what is not broken - and breaking it in the process. Good luck.

  3. Thank you I am stubborn when it comes to lay out - and I normally win ;)

  4. I just type my entire story in Compose then read it through and hit 'enter' where I think a new paragraph should be. If I want a picture in there, I read to the space where I want it, then hit "enter" to create the space and then load the picture.

    1. Yes I can see how you do on you blog. You use Paragraph formatting which is also what I do in English, where this is the correct thing to do. But in Danish the corret way is single line spacing between paragraphs and first line indented. You can see how this looks in the Danish half of my blog.
      And if I insert photos that way, they all go to the bottom of the post - where I normally do not want them to go ;)
      I just hope Blogger will improve with time, as I am rather mad about their changes right now.

  5. By paragraph formatting do you mean when a new paragraph is indented as it would be in books? that never happens with my posts.

    1. Nope, that would be Normal - Paragraph gives you double spacing between paragraphs. I do the indents manually with 5 empty spaces ;)

    2. I do any indents with the 'Tab" key, do you have one of those? Left of the keyboards above the "caps lock"? I do double spacing by pressing "enter" twice.

    3. Yes I have - I think that apart from my Danish letters ÆØÅ the keyboards are very much the same. Tab in Blogger just makes five empty spaces ;) But when I began using Blogger it moved the focus .. where you wrote ... to date or somewhere else, so I have taught myself not to use it in Blogger - as I normally do when writing in Word. I think this migth also be dependent of which theme you use?

  6. I don't know anything about writing code, but Blogger does take some working around to get things to work.

    1. So true. It's not always easy to understand what happened.


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