lørdag den 14. januar 2023

Biblioteket -- Another note, The library

Susan and Knud are in Florence as you have most probably guessed from the talk of the Medici princes and so on.
What you could only maybe guess is that the library with the chained books is a real place. We are in the Biblioteca Laurenziana (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana or BML). A fabulous place.
Here's an old print of the chained books:I min uendelige fortsatshistorie, som jeg håber engang at udgive i bogform, er Susan og Knud nu en tur i Firenze. Hvis I har læst onsdagens indlæg - desværre kun på engelsk, så er det ikke svært at gætte ud fra al min snak om Medici'er.
     Men at det bibliotek, jeg beskriver, faktisk er et reelt eksisterende bibliotek, er måske ikke så let at regne ud. Men mindre man da lige selv har stukket næsen indenfor i Bibliteca Laurenziana (Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, BML). Det er et vidunderligt sted, og et besøg værd, hvis man er i Firenze. Og så kan man jo også hilse på Niels Steensen, der ligger begravet i kirken ved siden af, Basilica di San Lorenzo.
     Dette er et gammelt stik, men de lænkede bøger og de fint udskårne bænkerader er der stadig.

13 kommentarer:

  1. That's an excellent way of allowing access and preventing theft at the same time.

    1. Yes it is. This and guards ensyre that the beautiful, old books stay where they are.

  2. It's real? I have never heard of chained books and thought you made it up for your story. it's a good idea for old and valuable books.

    1. Sure it's real. I've been to this library several times. Niels Steensen - the only post-reformation Danis saint - is buried in that very church.

  3. Quite a number of libraries had chained books. Google tells me that there are still several who continue the practice.

    1. yes, true, and among these is the Biblioteca Laurenziana in Florence ;)

  4. I just found two such books in the street! (Now I only need time to read... oh, too many books! 3 simultanously atm...)

    1. Two old books with chains on them? Sounds interesting! Do tell more.

  5. I've seen this in libraries in Europe for priceless book treasures.

    1. Yes it is a sight worht seeing. And you can have permission to read those books, some of them are not beautiful, just very old.

  6. Yes it is. I've been looking for a photo of how I remmebered it, but I think it has been mixed up with a description of the Michaeline library in the Deryni books.


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