torsdag den 6. oktober 2022

Z - A :: Zip through Autumn ~ 3

Third instalment of Zip through Autumn is: Variety, Unique to my blog

Variety could be the name of my blog. Here you'll find - in no particular order:
Crafts: plant dyeing, wood working, sewing, basket making, candy wrapper crafts (using tea bags), weaving, knitting and crocheting, fabric making from scratch, ...
Languages: translations, Danish, English, Japanese, Latin and Greek, Italian, German and many other...
Writing; tales and stories: Words for Wednesday, IWSG, Susan's magical stories, tales from the past, science fiction, travel tales ...
Rants: Public transportation, forced digitalization, Blogger's antics, Christmas, maltreatment of plants, food that's not food, public 'services', Daylight Saving Time, censorship and woke-ism, grammar and spelling, ... .
: Poetry Monday (almost) every Monday, Haiku, crazy poems, rhyming poems, free form poems, sometimes even a limerick.
Family things: Owlets (my kids and grandkids), school, Church, shopping, playing, travelling, ...
: mostly World of Warcraft, Wordle and such.
: a very chaotic garden, weeds, chickens and bees, my dome-shaped greenhouse, growing, experimenting and wild garden of mostly edibles. but with the occasional ornamental shrub or flower, preferably with a use as well, often dominated by GardenOwl.
Books: mostly older, children' books or fantasy - no romance or stark realism, please.
Drawings: sometimes doodling, InkTober, Simple Daily Drawing - I have to get back up on this specific horse ...
Cooking: baking bread, cakes and muffins, LowFODMAP,  jams and preserves, from scratch, on a budget, fusion kitchen, foraging, Japanese, Italian, experimental, organic and with a sweet tooth.

None of this is Unique to my blog. but I guess the mixture is. 

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Here's a link and the list of dates and prompts. So if you care to join, get on board.

Sept 21- 27 ~  Zero excuses, Yearn to
Sept 28- Oct 4 ~ Xenodochy in blogging, Why blog

Oct 5- Oct 11 ~  Variety, Unique to my blog
Oct 12- Oct 18 ~ Ten-year plan, SMART goals
Oct 19- Oct 25 ~ Recommend, Questions for visitors
Oct 26- Nov 1 ~ Priorities, Open
Nov 2- Nov 7 ~ Never blog this, Motivating
Nov 9- Nov 15 ~ Lesson, Know where I've been
Nov 16- Nov 22 ~ Joy and Job in blogging, Ideas
Nov 23- Nov 29 ~ Happy Habits, Goal of your blog for remaining 2022
Nov 30- Dec 6 ~ Fortitude, Easy tips
Dec 7- Dec  13~ Dare, Chance
Dec 14- Dec 20 ~ Balance, Achievements in 2022

4 kommentarer:

  1. Your blog is MUCH more varied than my own, and I delight in my visits. Thank you. Lots.

    1. But your photos are so wonderful ... I love your Sundauy selections!

  2. Your blog is a delight.

    Speaking of blogger rants, i cannot seem to upload photos easily right now, and was wondering if it's just me.

    1. Thank you! I just checked it out - no problems with photo uploading, but your latest three comments were marked as spam. Grrr! Now set free ;)


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.