Lægere inde i tykningen groede nogle meget små Rødsprukne rørhatte, de er her sammen med en poresvamp (nok en flad lakporesvamp). Den skal ikke spises, men pynte. Svampemyggene fløj op i skyer, da jeg plukkede svampene, og de var da også fulde af orm alle sammen.
Jeg gik trist en anden vej tilbage til min cykel. Og mødte denne her. Jeps Karl Johan i egen majestæt. Han kom med hjem til middag.
Monday I biked home through the forest. I looked for mushrooms. On various social medias I had seen people coming home with their baskets full, and now I wanted to have a go.
I searched all the usual places, but no way, no mushrooms for me. And on the birch meadow, where I have always been able to find a few birch boletes as a last resort, the birch trees had been cut down. And birch boletes need birch trees. I found one measly orange birch bolete, but a slug had found it first, so no mushroom for me. A bit further into the thicket some very small Red cracking boletes grew- I picked them and placed them in my saddle bags for a mug shot (seen above) with a polypore. The fungus gnats flew up in clouds when I picked the mushrooms, and they were of course all full of larvae.
I walked sadly another way back to my bike. And met this one. Yup, a King bolete. His majesty was invited home for dinner.
Om eftermiddagen tog jeg plukkekassen over armen og gik først en tur og plukkede tjørnebær.
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In the afternoon I went foraging. On the edge of a field, I picked haws.
Hjemme i haven plukkede jeg mange forskellige planter.
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Back home in my garden I picked many flowers and herbs.
I bakkerne øverst: Salvie, timian, oregano, laurbær. Udenfor: Nælder
Stort bundt løvstikke, tropæolumblomster
Vild kørvel, Valnødder, Skønhedsøjer x 3.
Regnfan, Hopi-solsikker, frø og kronblade. I bakken: Øhh ... dem brugte jeg ikke.
Nogle af dem her endte i køkkenet, måske mere om dem senere, nu til farveplanterne.
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In the containers at the top: sage, thyme, oregano, laurel. Outside: nettles
Large bunch of lovage, Nasturtium flowers.
Wild chervil, Walnuts, Tickseeds x 3.
Tansy, Hopi sunflower, seeds and petals. In the container: Um... I didn't use those.
Some of these ended up in the kitchen, maybe material for a later post, but first, the dye plants.
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- Hopi-solsikkerne har jeg dyrket, fordi de skulle kunne farve lilla. Og mine fingre antog da også en lilla-sort kulør mens jeg pillede frøene ud af blomsten. Lovende. Et eller andet sted læste jeg at kronbladene gav gult. De måtte også testes.
- The hopi sunflowers are grown because thier seeds should be able to dye purple, and my fingers were stained a deep, purple hue while deseeding this head. Promising. Somewhere I read that the petals dyed yellow. To be tested.
- Valnødderne: Kun de grønne skaller endte i farvegryden, selve nødderne blev knækket og spist!
- Walnuts: Only the green outer husks belong in the dye pot, the nuts proper were cracked and eaten.
- Vild kørvel (til højre) gror normalt kun om foråret, hvor den giver limegrøn til citrongul. Spændende med efterårsvækst her.
- Wild chervil (right) is a spring flower, where I always pick them for their lime or lemon hues. I never saw them in the autumn. What will happen?
- Regnfan (til venstre) den stod der bare, og plejer at give fint gult.
- Tansy (left) was growing just outside my garden door. It is a reliable source of a nice yellow.
- Skønhedsøjer: Der er tre slags, Coreopsis tinctoria fra frø (de hele, mest røde blomster), Coreopsis Grandiflora enårig plante fra Plantorama (den med røde pletter), og Coreopsis verticillata en staude fra Kvickly (helt gule blade). Det spændende er her, om de farver lige godt. Nogle siger at kun C. tinctoria farver, min erfaring siger alle sammen!
- Tickseed. Three different plants. Coreopsis tinctoria from seeds (the flowers with lots of red), Coreopsis Grandiflora an annual from a plant-place (petals with red spots), and Coreopsis verticillata a perennial from a local supermarket (all yellow petals). What I want to see here is the difference, if any. Some say only C. tinctoria dyes, my experimenting so far tells me they all do.
Growing up we did a lot more foraging than I do now. Which is a mistake on my part.
SvarSletForaged food often tastes delicious, in addition to being largely free of additives.
It is cheap too.
SletMore than taste better which it sure does - Nothing beats my home made raspberry jam, nothing! - it gives me something that can't be bought. Haws jelly, and a feeling og self suficciency that is totally disproportionate to the outcome :D
SletThe only expenses are the other ingredients for my jams and preserves - time, gas or electricity ... and wear on bike and clothes ;)
It takes training to forage, and i've never had the pleasure of learning.
SvarSletI mostly taught myself using books and recently the internet. It interested me since I was a kid. Something like being an old time witch with herbs and berries hanging from the ceiling beams ;) And the Little House books inspired me as well.
SletA bountiful harvest. I don't forage at all. I would bring home something poisonous or something peed on by dogs. I'll forage in my local supermarkets instead.
SvarSletI do that too - marked down products are my faves ;)
SletBut I always liked forging, way before it was modern, and I even knew it had a word. Picking fruits and berries in gardens where no one lived any longer as a kid, and ... well, it just grew from there. Books were my best friends, now assisted by the WWW.