mandag den 10. oktober 2022

Poetry Monday :: Octopus

Octopus ... they always reminds me of two things. Playing WoW with my old guild, where we discussed the correct plural. And ended up with both octopusses and octopi being correct. The second is an old joke, which I have made into a Haiku.

Sand kærlighed
 Blæksprutter svømmer
 arm i arm i arm i arm
 Vældig indviklet.

True love
   Octopi swimming
   Arm in arm in arm in arm
   Convoluted much!

Next Monday: Most Memorable Italian Meal.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Very nicely done! According to some dictionaries and clouding the issue nicely, a third plural that can be accepted is octopods.

    1. Octopods! Sounds better than 'octopi' to my ears. I am tempted to re-write my Haiku. But it seems strictly speaking to be plural of 'Octopod' which is a synonym for 'octopus'. Still sounds better, though.


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