mandag den 31. oktober 2022

Poetry Monday :: Scary Poem

I'm awfully sorry, but my thoughts are all filled up with tomorrow - election day. Photos from a trip to town today:



and probably the worst poem, I ever wrote. Please, bear with me.

Now Halloween is scary
But Hallows eve has nary
A vampire's chance in hell
To scare me as tomorrow will ..
It is election day!

Tomorrow will be dreary
and leave me sad and weary
When all is said and done
and day has had its run
It is election day!

Tomorrow they'll be merry
The jesters. Hot and airy
is every word they say
like animals they bray.
It is election day!

- - - - -
Next Monday: Oatmeal

3 kommentarer:

  1. NOT the worst poem. And sentiments that are echoed across the world. Good luck. I do hope the least bad candidates win.

  2. Brilliantly said. Our election is next week and like you, i am very concerned about the outcome and consequences.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.