søndag den 12. januar 2020

Forårsbebudere -- Spring is on its Way

     I går fandt jeg disse skønheder på Ugleboets terrasse. De lover, at selv om det stadig er vintermørkt, så klatrer solen lidt højere op på himmelen hver dag, og snart kommer foråret.

-- 🥀🌼 --

 Yesterday I met these beautiful flowers in the Owlery. They are a promise that even though it is still murky during the day, the Sun is climbing a bit higher each day, and soon Spring will come. 
11. januar 2020

     På den anden side er der en mindre hygglig side ved billedet her. Jeg har taget lignende billeder hvert år i flere år. Tilfældigvis har jeg de sidste 4 år taget billeder af vintergækkerne på næsten samme udviklingstrin. Når jeg ser på datoerne, bilder jeg mig ind at jeg kan se virkningerne af den globale opvarmning:
2020 11. januar
2019 16. januar
2018 20. januar
2017 21. januar, men de var da længere tilbage i udviklingen.

-- 🥀🌼 --
  On the other hand those snowdrops and eranthis reminds me of a less pleasing thing. When I look at the dates of similar photos from the last 4 ears, I imagine, that I'm looking at the results of global warming. The dates are:
2020 11. januar (this one)
2019 16. januar
2018 20. januar
2017 21. januar, but the Snowdrops were not as unfolded then.

3 kommentarer:

  1. A garden wander is so often filled with joy. And hope.
    Speaking of which I hope your spring and our autumn move in quickly this year. Tomorrow would be fine with me.

  2. I think gardeners and nature watchers have an increased sensitivity to noticing the earlier springs, later autumns, less or more rainfall, etc. than folks who are more disconnected from nature, and they are perhaps more easily convinced of climate related changes as a result. (I am speaking of temperate regions more so than places like Australia or the Artic where it is obvious to everyone - except, apparently, those in charge of doing something about it.)

  3. Some say a sunspot driven period of cooling will start soon, i say it cannot be soon enough if it does happen.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.