fredag den 24. januar 2020

January TUSAL

All my ORTs so far this year:

  TUSAL is a Totally Useless Stitch ALong begun by Daffycat. It is still uncertain, what is going to happen, as she has been busy.
  But as today is the new moon of  January, I am posting my ORTs here for all to see.
  They all come from the stitching of a Christmas temari; inspiration - nah pattern, I just copied - from Dana at From My Wandering Mind. She makes this 1000 times better than I, so pop over and have a look. Also even if she instructed perfectly in how to make colonial knots (instead of French knots) I still did not get it to work. They were teeny compared to the leaves, not like Dana's beauts, and got ripped out again.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I read your comment on Dana's blog about why your knots might be so small - I've done some embroidery work and would suggest two things if you have not tried them yet. One is to use more strands of floss or thread, the other is to wrap the thread around the needle more times. I also find that it is better not to wrap too tightly because then the needle won't glide through; instead it pulls the wrapped threads apart, making it impossible to make a neat knot. I use my thumbnail on my left hand to hold the wrapped threads in place as I carefully pull the needle through with my right hand and tighten the knot. (I'm right-handed; just reverse if you sew left-handed.)

    Sorry to bore you if you already know all of this :)

    1. More strands was one of the things I considered trying, I'm a newbie what embroidery concerns, so I was not even sure it would work. More warps sounds even better. Thank you. Colonial knots are so good to make because they do not act up and pull apart even under my fumbling fingers ;)

  2. And thank you for introducing me to this form of needle work. Dana's is beautiful, but so is yours.

    1. Take care Temari is habit-forming :) Thank you! Dana is a master, I'm a stdent. Her skills in embroidery and photography of the end result way surpasses mine.

  3. PS. You did not bore me with your comments. I like to learn! Thank you for taking the time to explain this.

  4. Your work fascinates me, i used to knit some and cross stitch some, but i have no time now.


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