mandag den 20. januar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Connexions

Oops, I forgot all about Poetry Monday.
   Not until I saw Messymimi and Jenny both writing about Poetry Monday in my blog-feed, I remembered. I hope that Diane and Merry Mae joins in later.
   But ... before I'm off to read their contributions, there's rhyming to be done. 
  Today's theme set by Diane Was Vast connexions. It seems like the 'vast' was dropped somewhere along the road, so Connexions it shall be:

Conexion comes from 'to connect'.
It's something often I neglect
To do with words, or things or plugs
My children see it, and go 'Ugh!'

"But Mommy dearest, can't you see
Connexions between 1 and 3?"
"But no, I say I cannot see,
They do not look alike to me."

"Whereas 2 and 4 both live in Spain,
Connecting those would be no pain."
So maybe my connexions are
 of the loose kind, a bit bizarre?

Next Monday's theme is up to Jenny. he wants us to talk of Duty.

7 kommentarer:

  1. I love this.
    Some things I see connections in where others do not. Sadly the opposite is also true.
    And, as an aside, I really, really value the connections I have made here in the blogosphere.

    1. Quirky minds make for good stories. I too value the blog connexions and the people I have met there.

  2. Your connections are certainly unique!

    1. Thanks - Yes all of us Poetry Monday and WfW people sure is a unique bunch. I'm so happy to have "met" you.

  3. My hat is off to you for your take on this topic. I make those kinds of weird connections all the time. When talking to my husband, I am all over the place as one thing reminds me of another thing and then another. When he is carrying the conversation, everything progresses very logically :)

    1. Wow, I know this ... And it does not help any that I do not mention the steps in between, only the subject at the end of the chain so to say. We'd need to borrow the mind of Sherlock Holmes to unravel the train of thoughts sometimes.

  4. This is so fun, Charlotte! And just like me!
    Oh, my, I’m just like Jenny! Making weird connections. Husby is so patient. He says he speaks ‘Dianese’. ;)


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