mandag den 27. januar 2020

Poetry Monday :: Duty

  The only thing that my mind dug up on the prompt Duty, was this old poem. 
   I think I wrote it myself, in Danish, but I might have been inspiret by something I saw somewhere in another language, In short: If I have stolen it somewhere, then please tell me so - I have been looking, but never found anything.  The translation does not rhyme ... almost.
  In my book it bears the title New Years' Resolutions 2011. That's how old it is. The translation was made today. 

Gør noget for din næste
gør noget for dig selv.
Gør noget for dit legeme
og noget for din sjæl.
Gør meget af det sjove
og noget af det trælse
gør mindre af det grove,
på vejen mod din frelse.

-- 😇 --

Do something for your neighbor,
do something for yourself.
Do something for your body,
and something for your soul.
Do lots of what is needed,
and something that is fun.
And work on your salvation,
until your life is done.

3 kommentarer:

  1. What good advice. That's a poem to live by, MotherOwl. Right now I am feeling "bogged down" and this is a good reminder of what is important.

  2. I like this. I am a work in progress (always) and I love the reminder that fun should be part of the equation.


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