fredag den 10. januar 2020

Sweet nothing - and Peculiar People Day

  One of the first thing I do upon opening my computer is hopping over to Messymimi's blog. She often has cute pictures, funny quotes, informative tidbits, or all of it. And every day she has a long list about what's happening and has happened on this date. I  always leave her site uplifted, and often wiser than when I arrived. Today is a good day:
- Peculiar People Day -- an internet generated day to celebrate all the strange and peculiar people in your life - hello to me and my readers, without us the world would be a more boring place. Thank you for being here, and reading this.
- Sturdy flat heeled shoes appreciation day and Word Nerd Day. Right up my alley both of them.
And I learned that Mary Ingalls was born today on her father's 29th birthday. As I said, I am always amused, and often wiser after reading today's lists.
Also today is the Full Wolf Moon -- the wolves howl hungrily during this cold month, sometimes called the Old Moon or the Yule Moon. I'm going to tell The Piarate, who adores wolves when he comes home from school.

And not apropos anything at all, but this song is a true earworm, and now I'm passing the bug onto you:

5 kommentarer:

  1. I really admire (and appreciate) the work messymimi puts in to her posts and am blown away by the fact that despite her very busy life she posts every day.
    And a big hooray to peculair people - who are my tribe.

  2. It's a joy to me to post, i am just glad you enjoy it!

    1. I do! ... and also find my peculiar joy in correcting jou now and again ;)


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