torsdag den 7. april 2022

F for Forår

     Hver dag klokken 12 (undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg hvis der altså kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er Drømme - dobbelthed, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.

Ⓐ - Ⓩ

  Every day at noon (except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year, is Dream - Duality. let's see what crosses my mind on this theme.

F for Forår / Spring

     Langsomt er der opstået et nyt koncept. De dage, jeg ikke allerede har et ord, tager jeg en random ord-generator til hjælp. I dag fik jeg: Forår
     Forår - drøm - dobbelthed. Et billede siger mere end tusind ord.

  Slowly a new concept has emerged for the A-Z Challenge. For those days, where I do not already have a word, I consult a Random Word Generator. Today I had: Forår - Spring.
  Spring - Dream - Duality. A picture is worth a thousand words.

4 kommentarer:

  1. How I love your capture of the duality of early spring. She often flirts with us too.

  2. Spring is trying, winter just wants to hold on a bit longer. It will move soon.

  3. Your picture shows it perfectly, the new spring growth while it rains and snows still.

  4. Spring is like a good topic, like today, it rained while it was sunny.

    Perhaps I should use the random word generator as well. It could save me the trouble of thinking up a word.

    Have a lovely day.


Jeg bliver altid glad for en kommentar, og prøver at svare på alle kommentarer .

I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.