mandag den 4. april 2022

C for Cykelsti

     Hver dag klokken 12
(undtagen søndag) kommer dagens A-Z indlæg hvis der altså kommer et.
     Temaet for i år er Drømme - dobbelthed, så lad os se, hvad der falder mig ind til det tema.

Ⓐ - Ⓩ

  Every day at noon
(except Sundays) a new A-Z post goes live - or no post today.
  The theme for this year, is Dream - Duality. let's see what crosses my mind on this theme.

C for Cykelsti / Bike Path

   Lige siden vi flyttede til vores lille landsby, har vi drømt om en cyklelsti til stationssbyen, hvor vi også køber ind. Det forlød, den ville komme snart - for nu 30 år siden.
     Snart er åbenbart nu, for nu sker der noget.

  Ever since we moved to the village where we live, we have been dreaming of a bike path to the town where we go shopping, and from where we catch the train. We  were told Soon™ 30 years ago, when we moved in.
  And Soon™ seems to be now. Because something sure is happening.
     Her står jeg og venter på bussen ved den farlige vej, vi IKKE cykler ad, når vi skal til byen. Vi cykler gennem skoven, når der altså ikke lige er faldet sne, eller det har frosset, eller er for mørkt. Så tager vi (I hvert fald jeg og Ugleungerne - Skribenten er mere hårdfør) bussen i stedet.
     Men nu bliver cykelstien så lavet. Noget af vejen ... To bidder: En ude fra et større vejkryds og ind til os. Og så et fra der hvor skoven ender, og ind til byen (hvor man i forvejen kan køre en bagvej ind til stationen) ... så forventer de, at folk vil cykle gennem skoven indtil de - hvornår mon, om 30 år mere? - laver det sidste stykke, som nok er det mest nødvendige.

  Here I stand, waiting for the bus on the dangerous road we do NOT dare bike on when going to town. We're going through the woods. At least when it has not been snowing, or freezing, or is too dark! Then we (at least I and the Owlets, The Writer is tougher) go by bus.
  But now a bike path is made. Some of it at least ... Two stretches: One from a crossroad further from town to our village. And one from where the wood ends and into town (where you could choose quiet roads all the time).They then expect people to bike through the woods for the missing part - where the road is really dangerous - until they make this stretch too, but when? 30 years from now?

9 kommentarer:

  1. I really, really hope that you don't have to wait another thirty years for the cycle path to be completed. But wouldn't be surprised if you do.

    1. If I have to wait another 30 years, I won't use the bike path any more, I think. Let's hope they finish while I still can use it :)

  2. How the planners plan these things is beyond my understanding. May they finish the whole thing very soon.

    1. Planners' plans are a mystery. Let's hope for a fast planning and finish of the missing kilometers.

  3. Thats tough. I guess development of infrastructure takes long in your part of the world as well. :-( Fingers crossed for the remainder of the cycle path getting ready sooner than later. Happy AtoZ!

    1. Thank you, yes it seems to be the same all over the world ;)

  4. "Soon" is 30 years??
    I guess politics was involved in the decision making part of the program.

    1. Soon is 30 years and counting yes ;) Politics at its finest.

  5. Usually it takes a long time for anything to change in terms of pathways and such. I hope you get that bike path.

    Have a lovely day.


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I am grateful for all comments, and try to reply meaningfully to all of them.